[27] Truths

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"Niko," Kaien leans forward, his elbows leaning on his desk.

"Any idea why I'm being stalked by a vampiric spirit?" I hiss, marching to the desk and crossing my arms over my chest. "Because I would like to know."

"What?" Kaien sits up straighter in alarm as I sit down in the chair facing his desk.

"A man that only I could see just grabbed me and told me to leave Cross Academy." I hiss, my mood quickly declining further.

"Only you could see him?" Kaien asks, looking at me with stern eyes.

I nod, "Only I could see him, but Shiki and Kaname could hear him, they were right next to me when it happened. What I want to know is who it is."

Kaien sighs, shaking his head slightly, "If I don't see them I don't know what's going on. It could be anyone that has a grudge against your parents."

I roll my eyes, "Who would that be? Not to mention nobody here knows my last name or the names of my parents, first names for last names. Nobody knows shit. The likely hood of that is below zero." I lean back against the chair, glaring at Kaien.

"Then it may be someone who knows you personally." Kaien brings his hand to his chin and stares at his desk in thought.

"That's exactly what the moon dorm thought, but I never met a vampire before I got here. Unless," Kaien looks up at me expectantly as I pause. "It is the vampire that turned my mother?"

Kaien stares at me for a moment before opening his mouth. "Describe him to me."

I huff, "He looked pretty much exactly like Kaname." Kaien's eyes widen when I say this, making my eyes narrow at him, "Long-ish brown hair, wine-coloured eyes and a sharp complexion. Kaname and Shiki said he smelt like a vampire."

"His eyes were wine-coloured and his hair is very similar to Kaname's?" Kaien asks, looking uneasy in his seat.

I nod to him, confusion falling over me. "Both his eyes were wine-coloured, his hair inspiration had to be Kaname, it was so close."

Kaien nods to me, pushing off his desk and leaning against his chair like me. "It could be him, but I am unsure from your answer."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, standing from my chair. "Do you know who turned on my mother?"

"Yes, but it isn't the man you are talking about." Kaien watches as I stand dangerously over the desk.

"Who? Who was it?" I seeth, my anger rising quickly.

"I promised your parents I would never tell you. They wanted to." Kaien pulls his glasses off his nose and rubs his forehead lightly.

I scoff. "They are dead, what am I going to do? Speak to their gravestones?"

Kaien sighs, "Niko you will find out soon, I just know that when you do it will be the right moment. Now is not the right moment."

"When?! Then when, Kaien?!" I scream, my temper getting the best of me.

"Niko!" Kaien stands from his seat as well, meeting my gaze as he places his hands on his desk, "I can not tell you, I have made a promise and I will keep it. There are many things you are yet to learn about your parents. You know it, you just need to remember so it makes sense."

He places a hand on my shoulder as I stare at him in shock, Uncle Kaien doesn't lose his temper.

"You should tell him. Let him know of you before someone else tells him." Kaien mumbles as he sits back down. "He may seem cold but he needs someone to trust, and so do you."

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