[54] Guard

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I tap my pen against my book impatiently in class. It is Wednesday and I just want the day to be over. Kaien has absolutely lost his shit over what happened last night and has made Kain and Aido escort me everywhere so I'm not murdered by a Pureblood.

No offence but I highly doubt Kain and Aido are going to be doing much against a Pureblood. No one will tell me anything about this guy so I have decided to pretend he is make-believe. If I don't know anything about this guy why should I believe in him?

Aido reaches over and grabs a hold of my pen, stopping my tapping.

"Class is over soon, calm down." He mumbles.

I sigh and nod, putting the pen down and instead of tapping my fingers against my leg where they don't make as much noise. I watch the teacher finish off the work on the board and telling everyone to write it down. I sigh and look at my book. I pick up my pen and lazily write out the words, not really paying attention to what I am reading or writing, just that they are on the board and I have to get them on my page.

Kain watches me lazily scribble my words in the book. Go ahead and judge, I missed three years of schooling, my handwriting isn't that good.


I look up and notice I have written everything down and close my book, placing it with my others and putting the pen in the binding.

I'm waiting to get out of class because Akara is coming. I highly doubt he will visit tonight, he will probably go to sleep and come around tomorrow which just dampens my mood even more, but whatever, as long as he is safe.

"You may go, have a nice night everyone." The teacher dismisses us and I pick up my books slowly.

I stand up and wait for Aido to move before I can. He walks forward and waits for me to walk out before following me with Kain. I sigh, I don't want bodyguards.

"Can't we just talk like before, why have you gone all serious on me?" I turn around to talk to them, walking backwards.

"Because you are in danger Niko and we have to look after you." Aido says, "Now turn around so you don't trip."

I ignore him and just groan, "Just listen to yourselves, why would some Pureblood want me? One, I'm only half-ghoul, two, it's not like he can creed me into an army that doesn't work. Three, I don't think there is anything that is interesting about my blood." I say, still walking backwards.

"We know Niko, it doesn't make any sense to us either, but we have to do as told and we have been told to make sure you are safe." Kain walks up to me and turns me around so I am facing forward as I walk.

I roll my eyes and groan, walking forward begrudgingly, "I just don't understand why you have to walk behind me, can't you just walk next to me like normal?" I look over my shoulder at the two.

The two cousins look towards each other as if having a silent conversation between the two of them. I watch as they shrug at each other and step up next to me, making me feel a lot more comfortable with the whole thing.

"Now it's just normal, not all weird and on edge," I say, watching the backs of the people walking ahead of us. "So, tell me, are you allowed to tell me anything?"

Aido shakes his head, "We were told not to tell you anything in case this is a hoax then we don't just want to be handing information out."

"And if it isn't?" I ask.

"I thought you said it was."

"It is, but what if it wasn't?"

"It's not, so calm down Niko."

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