[36] Plans

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"So I'm thinking, I should go dress shopping, you know, trick everyone. And then break my leg walking down the stairs so I don't have to go." I mumble to Kain as we walk back to the dorm. "I mean it's foolproof."

"Apart from the fact that you may just fall down the stairs and not hurt yourself, instead just making a spectacle of yourself." He says, stretching an arm over his head.

"But, what if I do break my leg? A reason to not go and everyone would see it, so it's all good." I say, holding my hand out in question.

"There's a chance, but there's also a chance you just become the biggest idiot of the Night Class." He says. '

"Oh Akatsuki baby," I run my hand obnoxiously down his arm, "I already am."

I notice Ruka glancing at us from the front and wave at her, smirking slightly.

"Don't worry, he's all yours! We have a no attachments kind of relationship!" I cackle loudly as Kain raises his books and smacks me over the head with them.

I cover my head from him and run inside, trying to keep my good mood going.

But no, the world thinks not.

As I run in the door, Aido shoots his arm out and I smack right into it. My entire body flinging down to the floor from the momentum. I hiss in pain and swing my leg out to kick him onto the floor but instead, he just jumps over my leg like we are playing helicopter.

I roll away from him and stand up, ready to beat the shit out of the boy again. Then I remember Kaien's not so nice threat to me. I dust myself off and bow to Aido slightly.

"Sorry for running into you." I sprint up the stairs and hope to make it to my dorm before I'm stopped.

But I am caught by the one and only vampi-sir.

"Niko," he calls out as I pass him on the stairs.

"Hm?" I turn to him, hoping I can just get away.

"The inspection has been delayed until next week, I thought you would like to know." He continues on walking towards his office.

I let out a sigh of relief and nod, "Thanks!"

I run to my room heading in and closing the door before anyone can stop me. No offence to everyone, I love them but I need some time to myself. Every time I think I have some time to myself there is actually someone there or a spirit stalking me.

Actually I haven't been stalked today, that's always good. From what I can tell, he usually is cut off by something or that he has a weak connection and can't be around for long. Let's just hope that one day he doesn't get really strong and turn into a real person.

Now that would be a spectacle, I can see a living breathing thing that no one else can see and only a few can hear. I sigh and fall face-first into my bed, missing it a lot. I haven't really got any sleeping time recently and if I have it's been in the scary dungeon that belongs to Zero and Akara.

Oh yeah, Zero, and his creepy twin. I should probably ask him about this Ichiru character, he really does not make my life feel good. He just gives me a really bad vibe. Like a familiar vibe of someone. Not someone I know but of someone I've heard about before or something like that.

I look to the side and my heartbeat jumps to an unhealthy rate as I notice a new object on my bedside table. I take a deep breath and pick it up, looking at the picture. It's similar to the last one, two faces intact and two scratched out. But the scene is different from what I can tell.

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