[40] Balls

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I hiss slightly as we make it back to the dorm, the dress hanging over my shoulder as I hold the hanger. It is heavy as hell, who knew dresses could be so heavy. I huff as I push open the dorm door and hold it open for Rima and Shiki.

The two of them don't look bothered at all. Yeah well, they aren't carrying a heavy ass dress from town and back. A few stragglers are still awake, chatting around with people and heading off to bed.

"Aw yeah, no ones gonna see my hair, even better," I mumble as I walk in. "Bedtime!"


I yawn loudly as I'm woken up by the mass amounts of running happening through the halls. I look over to my desk to look at the picture. I have to take it to Kaien. But as I look at my desk I notice it isn't there. It's gone.

Wow, creepy much, I have a bitch walking in and out of my room while I sleep. Definitely not going to keep me up at night. I roll out of bed and grunt when I hit the floor loudly. Wow, tonight is not starting off well.

I glance at the dress in the corner of my room and huff loudly, maybe I should go to this thing just to make people happy. Breaking my leg is gonna kinda hurt too I guess. I sigh and trudge into the bathroom and stare in the mirror. Wow, I do not look good when I wake up.

I start to scrub my face clean and glance at the bag of makeup Rima handed me when I tried to go to bed. I growl at the bag and sit down on my toilet across the room, but staring at it.

I don't know how to do makeup, but I bet I know who does. I trudge over to my door and open it a crack, sticking my mouth through the crack and waiting for the right moment.

"Shiki," he freezes while coming out of his room, still in his pyjamas and looking like he has no care for the world. "Are you free?"

He nods to me and walks over to my door, I step behind the door and open it so he can come in. He glances around at the clothes thrown all over the floor but I wave it off as I close my door.

"I," I point to myself in a dramatic manner, "don't know how to do makeup."

He stares at me for a second before his eyes widen slightly. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the bathroom. He picks me up by the waist and places me on the counter. He rummages in the make-up bag while I swing my legs around, watching him.

"How do you not know how to do makeup?" He mumbles as he brings out a brush thing and a tube of something.

I shrug slightly, "I've never needed it, I've always had a boyfriend and haven't needed to impress anyone."

He dabs something cold on my face, making me jerk back in surprise. He grabs my chin and holds it in place.

"Don't move," he mumbles.

"Yes sir," I mumble back, trying not to move my lips for him.

I sit in silence as he does my make up, kinda scaring me with some of the things he keeps pulling out of the back and using on my face. He pulls out this weird black pen thing and tells me to close my eyes. I freeze and do as told, scared he might kill me with it if I move too much because I'm breathing.

He runs it one over both my eyelids before stepping back. "You are done." He says quietly, chucking the black pen thing back in the bag.

I open my eyes slightly at first before completely opening them and smiling widely at Shiki. I hop off the counter and hug him tightly, catching off guard I think.

"Thanks, Shiki. I owe you a hundred." I mumble into his shoulder and step back so I don't mess up his good work.

He just looks to the side, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. I chuckle and grab his face in my hands, smiling so wide my little sharp teeth appear.

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