[10] Information

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Niko and Ayato rush down the hall towards the meeting, Kankeki rolling his eyes from behind them. They are already late, them rushing down a hall isn't going to make that much of a difference.

Niko holds her boyfriend's hand gently and thugs him along when he slows down. It isn't that far of a walk, it's just down the hall. Niko pushes open the meeting room, eyes wild and hair barely presentable.

"Yay! You made it!" Eto throws her hands in the air as the two file in and sit down in the empty seats, apart from each other. "Did you have a nice sleep in?"

Niko nods lightly while Ayato doesn't respond, "I apologise, we didn't know there was a meeting today."

Eto waves her hand around, "it's actually Noro and Tatara's fault, don't blame yourself!"

The two men shift their gazes over to the woman, warning her of how she talks. She giggles and steps back from the spotlight, letting others step forward and proceed with the meeting.


I watch the presentation with complete boredom. I understand I have to be here, but my piece in the puzzle is so minute that Eto could have texted me the directions and I would have still gotten it spot on.

All I have to do is follow her and Tartara around while they get the Ghouls out of their cells, I'm an extra protection barrier. I don't know why I am though, even if my Ukaku is strong at defence, it is much more useful for attacking. I also have speed on my side meaning I could easily ruin those agents if I was fighting.

But I can't argue with Eto, she's made it clear that I am expendable, no matter who I am or how useful I am she will kill me in an instant if I act out again.

I glance around the room, my chin on my palm. Executives and high profile members like most meetings. I notice a few new faces I haven't seen around before, not that I get out much. They are probably who Ayato had to go get and recruit for us, what a successful boy.

I look back to Eto who is standing quietly with Noro and Tartara. She is watching the presentation with a smile on her face. I shiver thinking about whatever she has immune for the enemy, for the Aogiri. If I'm expendable what are the other members? Roadkill? An unfortunate event? Most likely.

I pull my chin off my hand and look back to the presentation myself, noticing a few eyes around the room following my actions and my face. I ignore them and continue watching the presentation, allowing the words to go in one ear and out the other.

"The main goal is the cells. We are aware that not every ghouls may be in the same spot, as we don't know their timetable. . . ."

Oh my Kami, let me faint or something. I can still feel the eyes on the side of my face, but instead of turning to them and intimidating them back I just ignore them, I am not making a scene in the middle of a crucial meeting.

"Wait a second," a voice cuts through the presenter, making them and everyone else in the room snap over to the person.

A man in his mid-forties with pitch-black hair and a small goatee under his bottom lip. I turned to him, my eyes narrowed. He stares straight back at me, his hand mentioned towards me.

"Why is the CCG here?" He asks no one in particular, his eyes sharp.

I scoff and cross my arms, glaring him down, "why are we full of geriatrics?"

He stands from his seat, glaring over the table at me, his eyes activating.

"Sit down," Tartara moves forward, placing his hands on the head of the table. "Niko K is a trusted member of the Aogiri who was in the CCG to collect information."

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