[7] Stubborn

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My day once again starts off with me lying comfortably in Ayato's arms. I don't know how I stayed away from this boy for four years. I would have dropped everything and come for him if I knew every day would be like this.

But there is one thing I really, really wish wasn't a thing. Like cancel it now and life would be perfect.

A loud knock sounds at our door.

That. That monstrous noise that tells me we are going to be zipped off for missions. I hate it. Also, it's nine in the morning, at least wake me up at a humane time. [pun intended]

I groan and try to roll out of Ayato's arms but he just pulls me closer and presses his face into my neck, a new habit of the boy.

"Ayato," I whisper to him, "There is someone at our door. I have to answer it."

"No you don't," he whispers back, his breath tickling my neck.

I try to push him off, but he just continues to hold me tightly, not letting me budge. I groan and manage to turn around in his arms, making the boy bury his head into my back.

"One minute!" I yell as the knocking continues persistently.

"Go away!" Ayato yells from behind me, making me sweatdrop.

"Ayato, Tatara gave us a mission." Kaneki's voice rings through the door.

"Do it yourself!" Ayato yells back to the boy, once again squeezing me up against his body.

"Ayato." A cold voice rings through the door, making me freeze. Tatara has arrived to wake the sleeping baby. "You have duties."

Ayato props himself up and glares at the door, cursing under his breath. He climbs over the top of me and gets up, wandering slowly towards the door. He opens it, the chain lock still on. I roll my eyes at the boy, what does he think this is? A gang movie?

"What's the mission?" Ayato asks, glaring at the two.

"We have to scout out a location, Niko will be coming with us as well," Tatara says, managing to look past Ayato and straight at me.

I sigh and get up, grabbing a hair tie to pull my hair up.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I grab some clothes and head towards the bathroom, Ayato watches me go, eyes on my hips.


"23rd Ward."

I freeze, the bathroom door half-closed behind me. I glance back at the man, eyes narrowed.




"So we are just scouting, we aren't actually infiltrating the prison?" I ask as we sprint across rooftops and ward borders.

"What, scared?" Ayato taunts me from ahead.

"Why yes, Ayato I am quite scared, unlike you, half the ghouls in Cochlea were put there by me," I say back, sass dripping from my words.

He rolls his eyes and looks back to the front, where Tatara is ignoring the lot of us and just trying to get the mission over with. How can I cause chaos? Oh.

"So Kaneki~" I whisper very loudly to the boy running next to me.

The white-haired boy looks at me, eyebrows raised.

"Yes Niko K?"

I cringe internally at his informality but smile nicely to him.

"When are you going to ask Touka out?" I ask, innocence laced in my voice.

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