[71] Dust

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Chisaki watches his daughter fall to the floor, his heart almost stopping at the sight of his daughter's life ending. Nishika sits there, her also watching it as if it were a moving, a plot hole that shouldn't exist and a reason to stop liking the franchise. Her tears fall as her daughter's body hits the ground, her eyes still open and her silent scream still in her mouth.

"You," she holds out her hand to the side, "Give me Artemis."

Yuki looks at her, clutching her weapon tightly, "But–"

"Give. It. To. Me." Nishika turns her gaze to Yuki, her eyes flashing from lilac to red and blue.

Yuki hands the weapon to Nishika, who grips it without hesitation. Everyone expects the rod to flash with lightning and reject her, but instead, it sits quietly in her hand.

"So you still remember me?" Nishika mumbles before stumbling to her feet and glaring Rido down, her feet barely keeping her up.

Rido smirks to her, "Are you upset, Kira?"

"I'll kill you for ever touching my daughter."


Ayato stands silently by the fallen gate, eating a few arms here and there while Kaien and Yagari finish off the Level E's. Akara sits next to him, nervously as he hears the screams continue from over the campus.

"These vampires just keep coming," the vampire mumbles, wiping sweat from his face.

"They are just going to keep coming so eat up shithead." Ayato passes an arm to Akara, motioning from him to drink.

"Now I know where Niko got her swearing habit," Akara mumbles, biting into the arm.

"What if I told you I started swearing because of Niko?" Ayato says, slapping Akara with an arm as he tosses it away.

"I wouldn't believe you."

"Good thing, because I'm lying." Ayato watches as a Level E races towards them, slipping through the two hunters.

He reaches out and grips onto their arm, slamming them down into the ground and ripping an arm off, biting into it before the flesh turns to dust as the vampire dies. Akara watches the boy, a grimace coming onto his face. Akara has never had to watch Niko eat, and now he is happy that he hasn't, it's disgusting. Or maybe it's just how Ayato eats, could be one or the other. Probably just Ayato.

Yagari looks back to the two, glaring at them, "get up off your asses."

"Coming old man," Ayato throws the Level E's off the edge of the path, killing it on impact and standing up.

"What is it boy," Yagari narrows his eyes at Ayato, who just replies with a blank look.

Kaien sighs at the two, stabbing a stray vampire and turning to them.

"Now is no time to be fighting, fewer vampires are coming and we should use this time to get on top of them." He says.

Ayato looks to him and stands up, slowly making his way down the ruble and cracking his knuckles, "Right, old man."

Kaien gives Ayato an annoyed look. Ayato just looks back to him and rolls his eyes.

"It's not my fault the two of you stink like old people, change your washing powder or something." He runs ahead of them and starts fighting again, hoping to get this over with quickly and go to help Niko.

Akara just shakes his head and stands as well, jumping down next to Yagari, "c'mon old man, get fighting."


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