[28] Love

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"You just need to relax," Kaname says, standing in front of me.

I roll my eyes. As if I can relax. Here I am, sitting in Kaien's office with Kaname and Zero Kiryu. I sit quietly on the only couch in the room and run my arms slowly.

"So you get to see them?" I ask, looking up at the pureblood.

He nods, "Don't worry, Kiryu is here to stop me if you can't yourself."

"So he gets to see as well?" I look at Kaien with a 'are you kidding me?' look.

He sighs at me, "It's just precaution. I guessed you wouldn't want me in your mind, Kaname has to and Zero is a hunter so it's assumed that he can stop Kaname if something does go wrong."

I sigh and nod, looking away from him and at Kaname. "What do I have to do?"

"Just sit still," he raises his hand to my head. "And hold Kiryu's hand."



Zero and I look towards each other slowly before looking away from each other, huffing. I put my hand out towards him, leaning my elbow on my knee. Zero huffs and sits down on the couch next to me, slipping his hand lightly into mine. Our hands are borderline not touching each other.

Kaname nods lightly before his hand turns purple and the world fades.


I suck in a deep breath as I wake up in a blank room. Completely black with the exception of Zero who is holding my hand. I glance around and notice that Kaname is nowhere to be seen. Wow, cheating much?


My eyes go wide when I see a younger me running towards a child Ayato. Zero narrows his eyes at my silver hair.

Niko jumps on the boy, eyes wide and smile beaming.

The said boy turns around to catch the girl, eyes lighting up. Despite Ayato being almost a year older, the two caught on like a house on fire. When their parents introduced their kids, they expected his older sister and Niko to get along, as they are both girls, but the two seem to repel each other like magnets.

"Who is that?" Zero asks, looking pointedly at Ayato.

"No one," I mumble following the children and tightening my grip on his hand.

"Niko!" The boy catches her in a hug, mood raising considerably. "Where have you been?"

"Oh you know, visiting relatives, I couldn't go in though. Mum and Dad went in to see Mum's brother and his sons, I couldn't go in. Something about not understanding ghouls." Niko saddens a little, "I was okay with it, but then I noticed that they have two twin sons, I thought I could get along with them . . . ."

Ayato frowns, his possessiveness flaring up, "Well you have me, you don't need anyone else."

I chuckle lightly, the boy hasn't changed much since then.

Niko giggles, "Okay, Ayato."

She places a small kiss on his cheek.

The two disappear. The room going black again.

"We know you've been lying to us, K." Washuu stares at the girl from over his desk, eyes hard.

My eyes widen. These are in any order? I thought it would be chronological. I glance around for Kaname once again but don't see him.

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