[32] Night

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Niko had to be carried into a dorm by Zero. She is out cold and didn't wake up even when Yuki screamed at her as she was being carried out by Zero.

Quite the fiasco.

Zero gave up and chose to just place Niko in his room for the time being and hopes that she will wake up during the day and leave so he doesn't have to try and wake the literal sleeping stone.

Luckily, she did. But didn't exactly get up and leave casually, she kinda, freaked out.

"Where the fuck am I?" I groan and roll over in the bed, feeling around at the sheets as if it will help determine where I am.

I sit up in the bed, the sheets sliding around me slightly. I groan and hold my head as a splitting headache comes on. I sigh and flop back into the bed, trying to calm my head. I sniff the pillow deeply, trying to figure out the scent of the person.

"Zero. . . . . and Akara?" I stare at the pillows before quickly rolling out of the bed and gagging on the floor, "The nasties bed. I don't want to know what I may have caught from being in this bed."

The door opens, revealing Akara.

"Yo." He pretty much ignores me and opens his cupboard, pulling out clothes and looking through them, "Do you think the black or the grey coat works better?" He turns to me holding the two up.

I blatantly look at the black, "Does it look like I care?"

"Gotcha' thanks," he puts the grey one back and walks into the bathroom, "You staying long?"

I choke on my own spit, "In your sex dungeon? I'd rather gouge my eyes out." I chuckle lightly and I sit up.

Akara starts to audibly choke on his own laughs, "Really? Aw, and here I was hoping you'd join~"

"DISGUSTANG!" I yell back, standing from the floor and chuckling uncontrollably, "I'M OUT." I march to the door, still laughing and let myself out.

I close the door and immediately freeze when I look up. The ghost man is back, leaning against the opposite wall. I glance out the window, it's broad daylight so I'm not imagining things in the dark.

I gulp and choose to ignore him, I walk towards the exit, walking past Kaien's office and glancing into it to see if he's there. Nope, no one around. Here we go. I faintly hear footsteps behind me but I chose not to react, I keep my pace the same and I walk slowly.

I walk into the daylight, my eyes squinting slightly at the bright sun. I walk through the grounds, knowing that the day class will leave me alone with what happened last night. Speaking of which, I'm still in Kain's jacket. I raise my hand and place it over my eyes, shading them from the sun as the ghost follows me around.

If I'm alone, he may try something, because with how things went last time it's unlucky he will go through all that again just to talk to me. The real question is why he wants me to leave or why he wants me to 'be safe.'

I don't know this man at all, and I don't forget faces quickly. I could ask, but that didn't go well last time, he just kinda kept talking in riddles as if he couldn't tell me . . . . . Is he trapped? Is someone controlling him?

No, he kept saying I know him, he kept mentioning I just have to trust him. Psh, like I'm going to trust some random ghost man wandering around Cross Academy and what he is telling me. If something actually goes wrong, I might think about it, but at this point, I think I'll just keep to ignoring him and hoping he leaves me alone.

I hear a few whispers as I pass but most of them are quiet and don't make much noise. I step onto the bricked path, walking towards the change over gate, the man should know me well enough by now to know to just let me in.

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