[43] Answers

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I hear faint talking around me, people mumbling conversation to someone. A door opens and the conversation stops, the speakers turning their attention to whoever has walked in. The weight on my bed shifts, someone sitting down on it.

I pry my eyes open and glance around, my eyes landing on Yomo first. Thank Kami for Yomo. I love him so much.

"Yomo, whats up my second dad?" I croak, trying to get my bearings under control.

"I should be asking you that." He says, looking around the room silently.

I roll my eyes and jab my thumb as much as I can over to Akara, "that pretentious ass happened."

Yomo looks over at Akara, secretly judging him with his eyes. He turns back to me and raises his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, that's fair," Akara mumbles from his bed, sounding like he hasn't slept in days.

He pulls the covers to his chin and rolls over, presumably going to sleep.

I look back at Yomo who is still giving me a questioning gaze, "what, he's friendly." I mumble, slowly sitting up, hissing slightly at my wounds.

"Nice dress," he glances at my sparkles.

"Yes dad, I wore a dress. One day I'll clean it up and show off for you so you can live out your dream." I tease, glancing warily at Kaname who was talking to Akara before he fell asleep, "What's up vampi-sir?"

He gives me a soft smile, "Just making sure everyone is okay."

"I'm sure you are my gee." I say, leaning against my pillows and hissing as a harsh pang comes from my wrist, "I think Akara broke something."

"I wouldn't be surprised, don't overestimate yourself Niko. You may be strong but you don't have a sure food source." Yomo brings the bag up and places it on my lap, "Do you need help?"

I nod to him, lifting my wrist to show him the odd angle it is laying at, "I think it happened when I snapped his neck, I was on adrenaline so I wasn't watching myself."

Yomo sighs as Kaname leaves. Ah, Yomo really is my dad. Yomo took care of Touka and Ayato when their father died, which in turn became him taking care of me. I took to him easily and really only listened to him, Ayato and Touka for quite a while.

Yomo stands up and walks over to the cupboards and opens them all, looking for something. He pulls out some paper plates and places them in front of me before opening the bag completely and pulling out some smaller pieces of meat for me to eat without much effort.

He places them down on the plate, "Start with those while I find some cutlery."

I nod, grabbing a few pieces and watching him leave the room quietly. When he does I have a chance to glance out the window and see it is still night. Figures, Yomo wouldn't just walk around during the day with a bag of human flesh.

I wonder if it's still Friday night or have I been asleep for days. Hm, I'll ask Yomo when he comes back. I pick up a piece and shove it into my mouth, chewing slowly and savouring the taste of the meat while I have it. I think I need to make a deal with Kaien about a night where I get to go out and hunt because this is not sustainable.

I've downgraded to the lowest form of ghoul and I won't be surprised if I fall further and become an actual human. I shiver at the thought. With the CCG on me all the time and the inspection next week I need to be strong. Maybe over the holidays, I can go polish up on hunting and fighting so I'm stronger because I can not continue like this, it's just not going to work out.

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