[15] Campus

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Running across Tokyo and Japan are two very different things. This didn't register with Niko until she was halfway to her destination and wanted to die. She is puffed out and ready for a rest, but she knows that Tokyo will be sending out anybody they can to track her down, she is sure they have some sort of CCTV footage of someone escaping over the border, and that person just happens to Niko.

She stops and leans against a tree, bracing against it so she can catch her breath. She overestimated how far she could run at high speed, and it tired her out. She may be able to walk the rest of the way there, but she will have to stay within the thick of the trees to avoid all chance of being recognised.

She wouldn't put it past the CCG to release photos to the rest of Japan. Usually, the CCG has their own channel that runs all day every day to update the public, but people usually just look to the news to report anything they need to worry about. Stupid humans.

Niko pulls out her phone from her back pocket to check the time. She curses as the time ticks just past five A.M. The sun will be coming up soon and her cover will become less and less. She may need to stop somewhere for the day and start up again in the evening.

Niko takes a few deep breaths, puts her phone back into her back pocket and starts shooting forward again. She needs to cover as much distance as she can now, then she can rest for the day and start up again in the dark. She needs a rest, but she knows she will get it soon, as long as she moves far enough away for her to be out of the CCG search zone.


Niko watches quietly from her hiding spot. She is three-quarters of the way to her destination but couldn't make it, just like she suspected. She found a tree with a relatively large burrow and scared everything living out of it before climbing in herself and placing her bag in front of herself to camouflage herself a little more effectively.

She has slept a little bit. She went to sleep not long after getting into the burrow and was asleep until midday. But after that, she nodded in and out of sleep because of her worry of being caught while asleep. Overall she may have racked up six hours at most. It's enough for her to make it to where she is going but she isn't going to make it much further, she may have eaten an arm the night before but now she has an empty stomach and no one to eat.

Her RC cells are repairing off her sleep instead of her food, getting energy anyway possible. She knows the likelihood of her needing her RC cells are very low but she doesn't control them, they essentially control her. They decide how far she goes and how long she lasts.

Niko watches the sky slowly turn deeper colours. She has decided to move when the sun is setting and the sky is orange, that way by the time she makes it to the place she will be covered by the almost night sky.

If she remembers correctly, she has to pass through one town to get there, so hopefully, it's dark when she reaches it or she will just have to hold on for a little longer and practically teleport across the rooftops and out the other side.

She doesn't know if people this far out know of ghouls. She knows there are ghouls out here, hell there are ghouls who have made it out of the country and have been in all corners of the world, but there are less. Usually, they are marked as an animal attack or attacks from other beings.

Beings that are known at this end of the country.


It's much of a muchness, Niko doesn't think there are any Vampires in Tokyo but how can she be sure? Both breeds are built to look and act just like the humans around them.

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