[63] Life

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I walk into the dorm, not expecting anyone to be up and about. I just need to sit down and watch the TV. I've stopped doing it since Ayato got here but I really need to be checking up on everyone else as well. I close the door and freeze, staring at the scene in front of me.

Ichijo is standing in front of me with a smile on his face, the 'help Shiki' gang standing behind him. I step forward and give Ichijo a weird look.

"What?" I ask, looking behind him at Rima, Aido and Ruka.

"They want to apologise," Ichijo says, still smiling at me.

"I–" Aido starts, but Kain smacks him up the head before he can say anything.

"You don't have to Ichijo, they can think what they like," I say, trying to dodge him and walk up the stairs.

But Ichijo reaches out and grabs my arm before I can, pulling me over to the group. I stumble along with him, surprised by his sudden grab at me. I sigh and stand next to him, rolling my eyes slightly.

"Ichijo, it's obvious they don't want to be here or apologising to me. I'll just make it easier for them and make my way to my dorm. Easy, everyone is happy." I say, scratching the back of my head.

"Niko," Rima speaks first, stepping forward from next to Ruka. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what to think at first."

"Yeah, most people don't," I say, not very impressed with the effort of the people apologising. "I'm just gonna go."

I turn to leave, stepping away from them. But I don't get very far. Arms wrap around me tightly, a face burying into my hair and startling me a lot. I look up at the person, seeing blonde hair fanning my head.

"Aido?" I ask, staring at the hair I can see.

"I'm sorry. It was wrong for us to judge you for something like that." He mumbles, holding onto me tightly.

I nod, "Alright, I forgive you just let go, I don't need Ayato coming up in here and murdering you because you've left your scent all over me." I say, wriggling in his hold.

He lets go of me slowly, his hands slipping from me more than going away. I turn around and give them all a tired look.

"I may be tired as hell, but this Shiki thing needs to be fixed now. I just spoke with him before and there is definitely something wrong here." As I say it I see Ichijo tense a bit, but the others don't seem to notice it so I ignore it. "He is wandering around in the sun."

"Sunburn," Rima says automatically, making me nod.

"Shiki doesn't walk in the sun because if he got burnt his agent would be pissed at him." I say, sitting down on the couch, "But he asked random questions, ones that we've already had conversations about. Like how I say Shiki and not Senri."

Rima nods to me, "He calls me Touya, not Rima. He has either had a serious change in mind or it isn't him."

I nod, looking at the others, "Has anything else happened with you guys?"

Kain and Aido shake their heads, sitting down on the couch as well. Ruka sits down and crosses her arms.

"I saw him come out of Lord Kaname's room recently, they were speaking to each other." She says.

Of course, you would see if he went to Kaname's office or not, Ruka. That is just so you.

"Do you think he knows something?" She asks, looking up to the corridor where Kaname's office is.

I purse my lips, looking down at the floor. "There is a chance he might. But we can't really ask him can we?"

Once again, Ichijo tenses, his eyes going wide. But he doesn't say or mention anything or catch anyone else's attention. I glance away from him and to Rima.

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