[69] Night

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Chisaki looks back to his daughter just in time to see a ripple go through her hair, turning it back to its natural silver colour. He stares at his daughter, who is screaming in pain and has blood pouring from her uniform.

"What have you done, Rido?" He asks, still trying to process what is going on, his eyes searching the other people on the roof.

"I am simply awakening the next rightful Pureblood descendant. You know what's going to happen to her." Rido's lips stretch into a sick smirk.

Chisaki looks to him and notices Nishika in the coffin to his left and everything falls together. He looks back to Rido, his eyes hardening into a harsh glare. Still glaring at his brother he bites into his wrist and holds it out to Niko, who shakes her head at it, slapping it away, trying to hold in her screams.

"Niko, please trust me." He asks, looking directly at Rido and pushing his wrist towards his daughter.

"How can I trust you?" She seethes as her body contorts into painful positions, making her choke on a scream.

"I am your fath–!"

"No, you are not!" She screams, smacking his hand away again, "My father is Chisaki K, top ghoul. Not Pureblood vampire."

Chisaki's eyes soften as he looks at her, seeing the little girl he left behind all those years ago. He hisses, shaking his head at his choice of leaving her behind for all this time. Something obviously went wrong in the process.

"Listen now and I'll explain later, I promise." He kneels down beside her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her head lightly as she screams again, her back cracking loudly.

She falls forward into his embrace, panting heavily and latching onto his wrist, drinking the blood he is offering her.

"How touching."

Chisaki's bright red eyes snap up to Rido, hatred pulsing off them. His brother has now not alone forced him into hiding and away from his rightful crown, but he has turned his wife and now his daughter. The entire reason this started in the first place was to get away from him, but it would seem things have taken a turn.

Chisaki looks down at Niko, who is still clamping down on his wrist and wonders where it all went wrong. They planned everything to perfection, but somewhere, multiple people have gone wrong and let his brother into his daughter's life and near this family.

Something he won't stand for.

"All this for revenge, brother?" Chisaki picks up his daughter and moves her towards the Aristocrats. He doesn't look at any of them, he just places her down softly and pulls her mouth from his wrist. "You truly are a pitiful creature."

"Can you speak? Half breed? You were a ghoul for 900 years and never told your daughter." Rido attacks his older brother, sending blood vines at him aggressively.

Chisaki scowls at him and disappears from sight, appearing again behind his brother. Chisaki is stronger than his brother, he had to spend 900 years without the extra powers a Pureblood is graced with and had to learn the ways of physical combat. But Rido has spent the last few weeks getting used to living, Chisaki is at a disadvantage as he has to re-establish himself on the go.

Niko, now laying on her side whimpers, her throat dry and in dire need of more blood. She scratches at the stone around her as nails grow to sharp points. She looks up at her friends and opens her mouth in pain. She lets out a light scream as fangs grow rapidly out of her jaw, her tiny fang teeth that used to flash when she grinned growing out into sharp points.

Yuki shuffles forward and wraps her arms around the girl, hugging her close to her body.

"It'll be okay Niko." She whispers to the girl, offering her neck to the girl.

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