[33] Confusion

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"It could be a nice gesture."

"That doesn't seem right to me, why would she have this photo and why would she give it to me with the rest of the faces scratched out." I hiss, waving the picture around as I lose my patients. "Kaien, maybe it's easier if I go back to Tokyo."

"No, going to Tokyo would just bring whatever is happening here to Tokyo." Kaien stares at the picture as I wave it around, trying to figure out what the picture is about. "She might have gone into the wrong dorm."

I freeze, turning to the man and sitting down.

"That is a good possibility," I mumble.

Here I have been, worrying mt shit out and taking it out on other people when it could have literally been the wrong dorm and she got lost. But that doesn't explain why she has a photo of two dead purebloods in her possession. Or why two people have their faces scratched out.

"This is Rido Kuran I believe," Kaien snatches the photo from me and points to one of the scratched out faces, "And this one," he points to a taller man, "Could be Chisaki Kuran. But for that to be true this photo has to be over nine hundred years old."

"Why's that?" I ask, looking at the photo as well.

"Because Rido Kuran killed Chisaki Kuran for the throne," Kaien says it lightly, making my eyes go wide.

"So killing your siblings is normal around here?" I ask, throwing my hands in the air.

"Well he almost killed this man," he points to the man with a face, "Haruka Kuran because they both loved Juri." He moves his finger to the woman in the picture who is smiling happily at whoever is taking the picture.

"INCESTS?!" I scream my mouth dropping open, "Kaname is a product of incest?"

Kaien gives me a look but I can't keep it in, "That explains a lot."

"Niko 'incest' is common through Pureblood families, it's how they stay purebloods." KAien crosses his arms slightly.

"Actually that makes a lot of sense," I raise my eyebrows, "But that doesn't make it any less weird."

Kaien sighs, "There is a chance this is wrong, these two men could be different people but I'm unsure of who else it could be."

I nod, "I still don't understand if she didn't go to the wrong dorm, what it has to do with me."

"Well at this point I think it was an accident and we shouldn't dwell on it. You have a high presence because you are a one-eyed ghoul, it could be that she meant to give it to Kaname and mistook your room for his." Kaien pushes his glasses up his nose.

"I am sure," I raise my hands, "I mean absolutely sure, Kaname has a way better room than me."

"She wouldn't know that."

"That doesn't answer the question Uncle Kaien."

"Yes, Niko, Kaname has better accommodation."

"Wow, favouritism much."


Ah, Wednesday, I hate you. Class is in an hour and I am ready to just vomit. I really can not be bothered to learn today.

Not that I really learn any other day either.

I went up to my dorm before going to Kaien and put some actual clothes on. It would seem when I blacked out Kaname could take my spare uniform to my room but not me. Rude much.

Anyway, here I am lounging on the couch waiting for people to come down for classes. I watch the TV flicker through segments of the latest CCG mission. A few days ago they infiltrated the Aogiri base and killed off the remaining dregs of the group. I'm not worried, Uta assured me that Ayato is safe and was already out of the base when the mission took place.

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