[59] Teens

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Thursday night classes have come way too quickly for my liking. I haven't been to sleep since my chat with Akara. The both of us spent the day talking and ironing out anything that he found confusing. Most of the answers I gave him were that I didn't understand either, because I don't. I have no idea what most of the answers to anyone's questions are.

Which is exactly why I don't want to go to class, I don't want to wander around and be asked questions or receive weird looks from people I considered my friends. From what I can tell, Kaien has allowed Kain and Aido to stop following me around, probably because he knows Ayato can protect me well enough.

I sigh and roll over to Ayato, who is still fast asleep in bed. I've been lying here in hope that his presence would help me fall asleep but it seems not. I lightly shake his shoulder, pushing it backwards a little to wake him up.

He just groans and wraps his arms around me tightly, pulling me into his chest and nestling his face into my hair. I chuckle lightly and push against his chest, hoping to get him to let me go.

"Ayato I have class, I'll be back in a few hours," I whisper, trying to wriggle out of his grip.

He just shakes his head and keeps his arms around me tightly, "You are not going anywhere."

"Ayato," I whine, smacking his chest lightly.

"Niko," he says back, his voice normal.

I sigh and lean into him, if I'm a little late it's not the end of the world. I highly doubt Yagari is going to be taking this morning's class, so if I am asked why I am late I'll say I had to eat his remains before anyone found them. That'll scare a few people, won't it?

I listen to Ayato quietly breath as he lays still, clutching me tightly and trying to get back to sleep. When he falls asleep I guess I can slip out.


I walk quickly through the halls and towards my classroom. An hour, an hour it took for Ayato to completely fall asleep and loosen his grip on me so I could slip out. Not that I didn't like it, I enjoyed every second of it, but now I am going to be literally massacred by whoever the hell is taking my class.

I walk into the class, opening the door swiftly and closing it just as fast. I look straight at the teacher's desk to see no one. Huh? I stare at it for a second, wondering why there is no teacher at the teacher's desk.

Oh, it's between classes. So we are waiting for the next teacher. My stress dissipates dramatically but not completely. I still have to face my peers. I turn slowly to the class, choosing not to make eye contact with anyone but to just find a seat by myself at the back of the class and sit quietly throughout my lessons.

I walk slowly up the steps to the back of the classroom, feeling the immense amount of eyes on my back but I ignore them, moving as confidently as I can to the back of the class. But as I pass my usual desk where I sit next to Kain and he seems to notice my plan of moving to the back, because he leans over into the walkway and grabs my hand, pulling me towards my seat.

"Did you forget where we sit?" He asks calmly, sitting me down beside him.

I just sit there silently, staring at him in confusion. Why would he be fine with sitting next to and around me? After all, I have kept secrets from them all the entire time I have been here. I quietly nod to him before turning to the front of the classroom and putting my books on my desk. I don't really feel like causing havoc and disrupting everyone today.

"Niko?" He asks, resting his hand on his palm and looking at me calmly.

"Hm?" I hum back, still sorting out my books and not looking at him.

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