[19] Cross

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I watch Yagari teach, my chin resting on my palm delicately. Most of the class has just been him intimidating the students and having indirect moves at Kaname and his ability to control the night class. He has ignored me entirely, and I'm happy about that.

If he did speak to me I would probably murder him right here in front of everyone, but instead, I have time to control my impulses and to turn this into a premeditated murder. I tap my pen lightly against my workbook, watching his write words on the board but not taking any of it in.

Kain glances at my empty book from the corner of his eye and sighs, resting his chin against his palm as well. Wow, Kain and I are like twins. Aido leans over from the other side of Kain and shakes his head.

"Niko, pay attention."

I snap out of my trance as a piece of chalk comes in contact with my forehead. I jolt back a little and blink a couple of times before glaring at the teacher. He just turns back to the board and picks up a new piece of chalk. Aido snickers lightly at my misfortune, making me glare heavily at him.

He leans back from my view and looks back to the board.

"Class dismissed."

I sigh happily and stand up, stretching and snapping my still-empty book shut. I shove it into my bag and swing it over my shoulder, cheerfully skipping down the stairs and getting ready for a night of sleeping.

"We have history next," Kain says to me as we leave the classroom.

My heart drops.

"You might, but I don't." I smile and book it for the window, swinging it open and jumping out into the bushes below.

I scrunch myself up into a ball so I disappear into the leaves and can't be seen from the window. I hear Kain and Aido sigh loudly, making me smirk widely. Yet, neither of them seem to come after me, they just walk to the next class. I sit still in the bushes as Akara and Yagari's voices float through the window.

I can barely focus on what they are saying, my hearing is still messed up from the previous screaming match from the day class students. Something about missions and an association? I try to listen closer, pressing my back up against the wall, willing my RC cells to fix my ears just for the moment.

"Your job is to kill them all."

Well, that's a little dramatic if you ask me, can't you just maim them or something? Dying is like, permanent. I try to listen more but I can just hear their voices and distinguish who they are between the steps and murmuring. I hear Akara walk out of the room and run into Yuki.

"Sorry, Niko K was here just before but she just vanished. I thought she wanted to talk to you..."

Little Snitch.

Akara walks away, obviously not giving a shit about the fact that I am everywhere but where I am supposed to be. I slowly crawl out from the bushes, glancing around and making sure I have no watchers before booting across the clearing and into the forest.

I need coffee and I need it now. I mean sure, the kitchen has coffee, but after what happened earlier today, I shall not be touching or going near anything or anyone in the kitchen for the next four years of my life.

I walk slowly through the campus. I need to avoid all the little day class students wandering around in the night, practically asking to be eaten on by the monsters that roam at night. E.g. me.

I leap skillfully over the fence, not bothered by it in the slightest. Do people really think that the vampires are gonna stay in? Or maybe . . . they want something to stay out? It might prove useful to learn about this whole 'hierarchy' thing, it might be useful.

Crossed | Tokyo Ghoul x Vampire KnightWhere stories live. Discover now