[66] Deal

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"Niko . . ." Kaien starts but Niko snaps.

"No Kaien! I understand you have done a lot for me recently! But I need to know why my BEST FRIEND AS BEEN POSSESSED AND JUST TRIED TO KILL ME!" She screams, her Ukakau starting to grow out of my back.

"Niko calm down!" Kaien stands up, not having anything to slam his hands on because Niko completely destroyed the desk.

"What do you mean calm down? All anyone says is calm down! Nobody actually ever explains anything to me!" She hisses, "I don't care what you promised my parents. They are dead."

"Niko, as I said–"

"KAIEN THEY AREN'T COMING BACK! THEY AREN'T SOME PUREBLOOD TRICKSTERS! THEY CAN'T REVIVE THEMSELVES! THEY ARE DEAD!" She screams, gripping her hair tightly. "I don't care if you are unleashing the biggest secret of the fucking millennia in front of these people, you are going to explain why Shiki is possessed by his father and that father is saying I was supposed to be his child."

Kaien sighs and pushes his glasses up, "Niko, I only know about your mother, she was . . . . . very adamant about me not saying anything."

"Once again Kaien, she is dea–"

A siren cuts her off. The loud piercing sound scaring her and everyone else in the room half to death. Ayato automatically moves forward and grabs onto Niko, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her back into his chest.

"What is that?" Akara asks, looking toward Kaien.

"Cross Academy is under attack." He says, standing quickly, "You four, I don't know where Yuki is but go find Yagari and get the Day Class out of here, he knows where to go."

Niko opens her mouth to protest but nods to him. She grabs Ayato's hand tightly and starts moving. "Ayato and I'll find Yagari, you two find the humans."

Niko doesn't wait for a response, she just rushes out of the room. She is somehow able to tell when someone is desperate, and Kaien is about to lose his mind. She lets go of Ayato's hand and starts to sprint.

"C'mon, the fact that we have to get the humans out of here means there's going to be a fight," she looks back at her boyfriend, "and we wouldn't want to miss that would we?"

Ayato smirks back at her. It's been a long time since he has been in a good fight with Niko. He has always found fighting with her fun, but never really has the chance to. Not to mention he has been under the impression that she has been dead. He runs forward and grabs her hand, holding it tightly as she leads them toward the hunter.

Niko continues to look forward but smiles lightly to herself, squeezing Ayato's hand back. She jumps up and moves through the tree's, knowing that he resides in the teacher's residence next to the Moon Dorm. But the two of them can tell he isn't there. He is wandering around the cross over point.

The two move quickly, Niko slows a little so she can keep her hands in Ayato's. He notices this and looks to the side, slightly embarrassed that his girlfriend is doing it for him. He rolls his eyes and looks back to the front. No matter what, as long as Niko is with him she can embarrass him as much as she likes.

He will, without fail, just forgive her and kiss her. Always making her smile. Ayato may never admit it, but his aim in life is to one; keep his sister from all harm and make sure she is safe and two; keep Niko smiling for as long as he can. Her smile is something that she has kept hidden from many, but one day he will get it back.

Niko jumps down from the trees, Ayato following her. She appears next to Yagari, seemingly out of thin air and Ayato not fair behind.

"We have a job to do, so let's put our differences behind us, for now." Niko says, "Kaien needs us to evacuate the humans, he says you know where to take them."

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