[11] Worthy

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I stare dangerously at the ghoul in front of me, the smirk on his face aggravating me immensely.

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there," he says, holding his hands up in defence.

I don't reply I just try to move forward and past him again, but he sidesteps into my way and stops me from moving forward. I snap my gaze to him, wondering what he is up to.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me," he smirks widely down at me, "Excuse my actions, please."

I sidestep him and step forward again, but this time when he places his body in front of me I bring my knee up with force, sending it straight into his pelvis. His eyes widen and he grabs my leg, throwing it to the side.

He grabs my shoulder, clenching his fingers down on it harshly. I don't react emotionally, I just grab his hand and crush it in mine, his fingers making a sickening crack. He growls and brings his leg up to kick me. But before the leg makes it to my face a hand reaches out and stops it, catching the shin and clamping down on it, snapping the man's fibula in half.

I glance back, eyes narrowed at Ayato, who lifts the man by his broken leg and tosses him across the room. A smirk twitches at my lips but I force it down and continue on my way. Ayato watches me for a few steps before following me.

I hold out my face to him discreetly. He glances down at my hand and steps closer to me, our arms sliding up against each other before entwining his hand with mine. I glance up at him.

"What's wrong?" I mumble, looking ahead and watching at the light seeps into the hallway as we get closer to the outside world.

"Don't let other men touch you," Ayato mumbles back, not looking at me.

I smile lightly, "Possessive much."

He frowns slightly and grips my hand tighter, "Don't."

"It's not like I liked him, I broke his fingers," I mumble as the cold air hits my face and the sunlight dances around us.

"You didn't like that human either and you made out with him."

I scoff and look up at him, "He kissed me, and you know full well I only did it to make you upset."

He tightens his hand on my hand suddenly and comes to a stop, spinning me to face him. He puts his hands on my cheeks and stares me in the eyes.

"It made me very angry, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it." He mumbles, practically glaring at me.

I sigh and reach up, wrapping my arms around his neck. I lean up and press a quick kiss to his lips before falling flat on my feet again.

"You know I would never. We also know that you have far more girls chasing after you, I have to fight them off on the daily." I chuckle, staring into his years.

Ayato smirks, "I guess I'm just that irresistible."

"That's exactly right." I hug him tightly.

"If another male, human or not, touches you I will kill them."

"I'm positive you will."


I sigh and flick my last dango stick off the roof. Ayato and I are on surveillance duty. We have to watch Antieku's movements. Usually, Keneki would go with Ayato but they don't trust in him to not try and get someone's attention while he is here, so they sent me.

Ayato wraps his arms around my waist, making me lean back into his chest. We are sitting just behind the ledge of the roof, me sitting in front of Ayato and him holding me up from behind.

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