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Izuku is trying to find Kaminari and Shinsou in the cafeteria. Being not too tall and not too short is a problem, he can't find them in the crowds.

Then, a blond with a lighting bolt and fluffy purple hair caught his eyes. He quickly moves his way to them.

Kaminari saw Izuku is coming their way and started waving his hands to get his attention.

"Izu! We're over here! " Kaminari yelled. Izuku heard the voice and followed.

"Oh finally! I hate crowds so much. " Izuku sigh, sitting beside Shinsou. The table had 3 seats, Kaminari and Shinsou had to make sure the last seat saving for Izuku.

Izuku had his bento in his hands when the one hour lunch begins, mostly given by Lunch Rush, who is instructed by Nezu to make him one.

"Oooh, nice lunch Izu. Is that from Lunch Rush? " Kaminari asks while sipping his juice box.

Izuku nodded his head, "yeah, dad told him to make one for me. "

"Let me guess, Nezu? " Shinsou guessed. Izuku smiled and nodded his head.

"Oh, congratulations for passing the first and second battle. " Izuku congratulates them. "I never thought you guys would find Tokoyami as the head in a cavalry battle. "

"Well, he didn't have any team to join. " Shinsou said. "Besides, we got to make it in the last battle. "

Izuku nodded, agreeing with Shinsou's conversation. Then, he saw something he never wanted to see.

"I'll be back for a few minutes, I'm going to handle a certain grape. "

Shinsou and Kaminari nodded mutely, already know what did he meant.

Izuku walks to the girls' table and looks at Mineta with pissed. Glaring at him at the back, sending some venomous aura.

"Hello Mineta, what are you talking about with the girls? " Izuku asks him with a venomous voice.

Mineta shook up and run under a table. "Nothing! Right girls?! "

"Yaoyorozu. " Izuku called. "What did that grapist tell you girls to do? "

"He said Aizawa sensei told us we have to perform a cheerleader. I never thought we have to do it? " Yaoyorozu said.

"There is no such thing as a cheerleader. That is a lie. Aizawa never tells me this, if he had, he'll tell me in the first place. If anything happens, tell me. I'll be with Denks and Shinsou. " Izuku said, then eyed the trembling Mineta. "I hope you learn your lesson well, Mineta. "

"Thank god Midoriya helped us, I was wondering if that pervert grape was lying. " Hagakure said.

"Yeah! Midoriya had drunk respect woman juice! " Mina said.

"Well, if anything happens, we can tell him or Aizawa sensei. " Jirou said.

"Mhm. "

Kaminari and Shinsou were sitting at their seats, watching Izuku glaring at Mineta.

"God he's so hot. " Kaminari blurted out, then blushed furiously. Shinsou laughs at him. "Oh hush you like him too. "

"He's hot, I know. Have you seen him lose in sparing? " Shinsou said. "That boy stronger than he looks. I'm not gonna underestimate him. "

"Who are you fighting with in the next battle? " Asked Kaminari. Shinsou shrugged. "I didn't saw it. I'll ask dad or Izuku. "

"Well speak of the devil he shall appear. " Kaminari said. Izuku walks back to his seat and sighs. "How's the grape going? "

"I scared him, he's now hiding under a table. " Izuku snickers. "He lied to the girls that thought they have to perform a cheerleader. "

"Dad never told me UA sports festival have cheerleaders? " Shinsou said. "Nevermind, it's the grape's idea. " he sighs.

"Izu, can you check who are we fighting? " Kaminari asks. Izuku pulled out his phone and tapped the homeroom teacher's contact list.


Aizawa, who's Kaminari and Shinsou's opponents?

Let me check

Hitoshi fighting Iida and Kaminari fighting Kendo

Kay thanks

He put back his phone and turn his head to the boys.

"Shinsou fighting Iida and Denks fighting Kendo. "He said. They look at Izuku.

"Fighting Iida is pretty easy, just ask him about his brother. "Izuku said. "And for Kendo... You could just zap her? "

"No shit Kendo can just grab me with her big hand and put me out of the bound. " Kaminari said.

"Well, it's better than no strategy. "

Have a great day and Merry Christmas!!

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