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I may or may not have created another fanfic...

Izuku was not okay. He needs to kill that so-called no. 2 heroes.

Todoroki proceeds to tell Izuku his childhood, how Endeavour treats his children. He never sees them as one, he sees them as a tool.

"It's okay Todoroki, I'm going to help you. " Izuku said. "I'm going to take down Endeavour. "

"Thank you Midoriya. "

"Your welcome. Oh, and it's your power, not his. Do you understand? "

"I... Understand. "

He walks into the class A restroom and finds Shinsou and Kaminari talking.

"Hey, isn't your fight next? " Izuku asks. Shinsou nodded his head. "Yeah, how am I going to fight Todoroki? "

"Just fight normally I could say, he probably makes a lot of ice at his surrounding. " Kaminari whine. "Or he will just freeze you. "

"I agreed on Kaminari's. " Izuku said. "Todoroki haven't control his fire correctly. I doubt that he won't use it. Shinsou, you think you can help him? "

"Help him with what? " Shinsou asks. Izuku deadpanned, "his fire, Shinsou. " "oh. "

Then, Mic announced the next round battle to prepare. Shinsou walks out of the room while smiling at Izuku and Kaminari.

"Aren't you going to cheer your novio? " Izuku smirks, Kaminari blushed, hit a small punch on Izuku's arm. "Izu! How many times do I tell you! Don't speak Spanish with me! You know I only understand a few words! "

"Words like what? Mi Amor? " Izuku asks, being flirty. "Like this? " he moves his hands around Kaminari's shoulder. Kaminari blushed like a tomato.

"Alright alright, Denks. I'm going back to the announcing room. " Izuku smiles and let go the tomato blond boy.

In the hallway, he notices the man with a fire Quirk. He scowls, not wanting to speak with him.

"Who are you? " the man asks.

"My existence will not concern you, you burning piece of trash," he said sarcastically.

"Do not speak like that to me, boy. " He said.

"I am no boy to you, I am a person that will take you down to hell. " Izuku said, smiling at him with a maniac face.

"Shoto is not you. You can't tell him what to do you wanted. He is a teen that needs to be free. " Izuku added. "And I am not like you, you will be a piece of burning trash talking shit about everything. "

"Don't you Dare to raise your voice boy-"

"I already said, I am no boy to you. "Izuku cut him off.

"There you are Izuku. The fight had started. Are you going? " Aizawa said.

Ten minutes earlier...
Aizawa was wondering when will the problem child gets back. He got off his seat and wandering the halls, hoping he could find him.

"...Shoto is not you. You can't tell him what to do you wanted. He is a teen that needs to be free. " he could hear Izuku's voice nearby.

Aizawa looks over the hallways, found Izuku is talking- no, arguing about Endeavour's youngest son. Aizawa sigh, problem child always a problem child.

Something that Aizawa can't understand about Izuku. Izuku always let people see his smile, only a true friend could see his true emotion under the mask. He hides his emotion well.

Plus, his parents are dead. Endeavor's fire spread around his house causes his house to collapse. Izuku seems to haven't got over that.

He wonders where did he live these years without Kaminari.

"There you are Izuku. The fight had started. Are you going? " Aizawa said.

Izuku turns his head in his direction. "Ah, sensei! The battle had started? "

Aizawa nodded his head. Izuku looks dead in Endeavour's eyes one last time and runs back to the announcing room.

Endeavor looks at Aizawa with confusion. "What the hell is that kid? Is that your kid? "

"First, I only have one son. Second, that's Nezu's son for you. " Aizawa said with an emotionless face.

"When the hell Nezu had a son? " Endeavour asks, raising his fire eyebrow.

"Just recently. "

I write another fanfic about Shindeku soulmate au. I'm working on chapter 2. I'll publish this when I have 8 chapters.

School starts after 2 weeks. I feel exhausted.

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