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Today's chapter kinda short. I was just finishing watching Attack on Titan season 1 and 2.
And I saw them shipping Eren and Levi?? Why??
Hangi looks like Mei tbh, the crazy scientists face.

Izuku looks over his classmates and sigh, the girls are gonna ask him a lot of questions.

"Hey! Hey! Midobro! " Kirishima call him. Sero and Mina by his sides.

"Yes, Kirishima? Do you need anything? " Izuku asks. Kaminari and Shinsou turn their head to the trio.

"The sports festival is coming soon! Can you help us train? " Kirishima request.

Izuku nodded his head. "Yea I can, my injuries are healed. " the trio hooray in excitement.

"I'm going with you. " Kaminari said. "I know you won't hold back. " he looks straight into Izuku's eyes.

Izuku whine, "oh come on! I wasn't gonna do that. " Kaminari look at his vibrant green eyes with a little anger. "Okay okay! I won't. "

"Can I come? " Shinsou asks. Izuku nodded his head, "sure! You need to work on your defensive combat more. "

"Hey, Midoriya! " Hagakure called him. "Can I ask you some questions? " 'yup, the fate has called. ' he thought.

"Ask away. "

"How did you know Shinsou and Kaminari? " Jirou then come over. "Isn't Kaminari is dumb to hang out with you? " she asked.

"I'm gonna stop right there ma'am. " Izuku replied. "Kaminari isn't dumb, he just can't read properly, he has dyslexia. "

Kaminari looks at him and sighs in relief. 'Thank god Izu covered for me. '

"What is dyslexia? "She asks.

"Dyslexia means you can't read the text properly, sometimes confusing the words. " Izuku explains. "You can't always call them dumb people. "

"Oh! I'm sorry Kaminari! "She bows and apologizes.

Yaoyorozu then comes over. "Oh my, I didn't know you have dyslexia! Pardon me, can I help you out? "

Kaminari waves his hand. "No thanks, Yaoyorozu. Izu- I mean Midoriya can help me! Thanks for the offer anyway. "

"So Midoriya, mistake me if I'm wrong. " Todoroki come over to his desk and ask. "Are you Hawks' secret love child or something? "

Izuku look at Todoroki with confusion. "Am I... What? "

"Your wings, " he pointed. "Hawks has wings too. "

Izuku sigh. "Todoroki, I have wings doesn't mean I'm a secret love child of Hawks. Besides, he wasn't married! "

"Plus, his wings are kinda like bats' wings. " Shinsou said. "there are no feathers on his wings. "

"Oh, I apologize. "

"Don't worry Todoroki. But don't keep asking anyone about this... Secret love child, you're gonna scare people out. " Izuku said.

"Alright. "

"Well, he already made a theory of Shinsou being Aizawa's secret love child. " Kaminari whispered to Izuku.

Izuku sigh. "Oh god... "

"Well, he isn't wrong... " Shinsou muttered.

"So, my place or your place? Or we just need to go to Dagobah Beach? " Izuku ask Kaminari and Shinsou. Kaminari shrugged. "Dagobah Beach is fine. I don't want to risk any money on our house. "

"So where are we going to train? " Sero asks.

Izuku smile, "meet us in 4 today at Dagobah Beach. I'll tell you what to do. "

"Oh no... " Kaminari sigh.

Izuku is going to begin the hell training.

I'll be writing who will be Izuku's guardian in the next chapter! Remember to vote!

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