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Izuku rushed back to his apartment with blood on his nose, he just got punched straight with a fist from a villain.

"Ugh, stupid villain. " he wiped off the blood with a tissue. He swears he just heard a nose crack.

He walks straight to his room and takes out his vigilante suit. A few old scars from Endeavour can see on his body. He groans as he put the scar cream on his cuts.

He hates that no.2 hero, he not only wanted money for the frame, he also abuses his family members. Last time he checks, Endeavour force Rei to marry him and put her to the hospital after she accidentally put hot water on Shoto Todoroki's left eye. If he has enough evidence he sure will take that hero name down.

"Ring-Ring-Ring-" his phone rang. He picks up to see the contact. He raises his eyebrow as he saw an unfamiliar number. He pushes the green button with hesitation.

"Hello? Is this Dark? " Tsukauchi's voice rang through his ears. Izuku was curious why did he have his number. He didn't even give the police officer he's number before, only Eraserhead.

Getting along with Eraserhead is another thing. Eraserhead had tried to follow him everywhere when he started doing Vigilante work. He convinced him that he just like to save people, no hurting people,  but he still didn't trust Izuku. It took Eraserhead a few months to trust Izuku. He is like a father figure to him.

"Hello, Tsukauchi. What can I help you? " he use his modified mask just in case the police tracked him on the phone.

"Uhh, Eraserhead want you to go patrol with him. " a high voice 'hey!' of Eraserhead can be heard from the phone. He continues, " There's a group of selling drugs around the city these days, and the heroes can not deal with it. Do you think you can handle it? " a surprise offer was given by Tsukauchi.

"What else? " Izuku growl.

"And an offer of being a teacher in UA. " Tsukauchi said- more like Nezu said.

Izuku groaned. He had spent 3 years of online study and finished his studies at the age of 11. He's quite smart for his age. He's smarter than Nezu. But now they want him to be a teacher in UA.

"I'll deal with the drug dealers tomorrow night. I want to talk with Nezu. " Izuku demand.

"Nezu, he wants to talk to you. " Tsukauchi's voice slowly drifted back and Nezu's voice comes in.

"Hello, Dark. You want to talk? " he can feel Nezu's smile on the phone.

"Yes, but only this once. Why you want me to be a teacher at UA? " Izuku ask, fiddle his pen on his hand just in case some information he needs to jot down.

"Eraserhead had told me, you protect the citizen with your all cost and use your Quirk to defend yourself. So tell me, do you want to come to UA to be a teacher? If so we can start our meeting. " another offer has given.

Izuku hesitates, he didn't want them to know his real age. He could be the first year next year or a small child.

"When is the meeting? " Izuku ask.

"When you agreed to our offer. "

"...alright. After tomorrow night dealing with the drugs dealers, I'll be there the next morning," he replied. A hum from the principle rang through his ears.

"Thank you for agreeing to our offer. " then, he hung up.


The next day Nezu called all the staff members of UA.

"Nezu, why are we here for the meeting? Do you want to change the security system? "Maijima, Power Loader ask.

Nezu waved his hand. "Oh no, not that. I call this meeting because tomorrow the vigilante Dark will come here. We make an offer to him to let him be a teacher here. " Nezu said.

"What?! Are you sure about this Nezu?! He could be dangerous! " Midnight exclaimed.

"He will under Aizawa's supervise. " Nezu said, turning his head to Aizawa. Aizawa nodded emotionless.

"I'll help you too Sho! " Yamada said. "No thanks, you'll scare him away. " Aizawa replied.

"Alright, I'll leave him to you Aizawa. Any questions? " Nezu ask. Toshinori, raise his hand. "Yes, All Might? "

"Aren't we going to arrest him?  He already broke the law. " Toshinori ask.

Nezu shakes his head. "No, we're not. Getting him a job as a teacher here is not our aim. From Aizawa's perspectives, he saw Dark being a Vigilante working alone and don't have any friends. "

"So, we're gonna be his friend? " Maijima asked. Nezu nodded his head.

"How old is he? " Midnight asks. Nezu shrugged his shoulder. "We don't know. But if he wants to he will tell us at the right time. We won't force him to tell us. "

"He's not dangerous, right? " Snipe ask.

"No. He seems kind. He offers food for people in need. " Aizawa said. "And don't forget he saved Hitoshi from his previous abusive birth parents! " Yamada added.

"Alright. Our today's meeting is ended. Tomorrow we have another meeting with Dark. Be ready. " Nezu said.

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now