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"So, I've been thinking. "

"Mhm? "

"Since I'm being a teacher assistant, can I teach them combat training? "

Izuku looks at Nezu. Nezu stops drinking his tea and looks at him.

"Any reasons? "

"Well, I'm not good as Aizawa or Mic in teaching subjects. How about I help them combat training instead? "

Nezu looks at Dark, there's no lying in his words.

"Sure. I'll be informing the other teachers. " Nezu nodded his head. "What else do you have in mind? "

Izuku looking at the tea Nezu had let him drink, then look at him. "Stopping Aizawa for expelling students? "

Nezu surprise at his words, when did he know about Aizawa once expelled a class? Then he thinks, Mic probably tells him about that.

"Yes, of course. I'll have Mic to inform him. " Nezu said, nodded his head.

Dark reach out to the hero course students files, open the first page. His childhood friend's name appeared.

"Katsuki Bakugo? " he said. Nezu looks over the files. "Yes indeed. Do you know him? "

"No. He reminded me of my friend that left me. " Izuku shakes his head, of course, Kacchan is going to UA, it was his dream after all. He flips to the next few pages, a yellow hair, and a stipe of black lightning bolt caught his eyes.

"Denki Kaminari? " he looks at his Quirk, electrification. His IQ is 60? A fake IQ?

"Ah, you found my student. " Nezu said. Izuku look at Nezu, 'his students? '

"He's an undercover for me, he's not like the others. He shares the same IQ as me. " Nezu explained.

"I actually know him. " Izuku said, surprising Nezu.

"Oh, you know him? " Nezu ask. Izuku nodded his head. "It was last year. "

14 years old Izuku jumping building to building, checking the streets. He notices a gang of gangsters holding bats and knives. A boy was terrified and there's no way to escape. He jumps in between them and protects the boy.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?! " one of a lackey shout. "Get the fuck away before we punch you to death! "

"H-Help me... " the boy said.

"It's no good to swear mister. How about I punch you instead? " Izuku smirk. He then transforms into a lion in front of them. The gangsters start to fear.

"ROARRRR" izuku growl at them. They step back. Izuku quickly picks up the boy by his mouth, and put him on his back, and run.

"Woah! " the boy exclaimed.

"Hold tight! " Izuku shout. He spread his wings and fly to other streets.

"Woooohh! This is awesome! "

"Prepare to land! "

Izuku lands slowly and lets the boy down. He transforms back.

"It's so cool! Who are you? What's your name? Can you be my friend? " the boy asks excitedly.

"One by one. " Izuku said. He never met an energetic kid before. "I'm Dark, a Vigilante. "

"Ah! So you're the famous Vigilante Dark! " the boy said. "I'm Denki Kaminari! Nice to meet you! " he put out a hand to shake hands.

Izuku shakes back. "How old are you? Why are you out this late? " he asks.

"I'm 14! " Kaminari points out his fingers and smile, but frown, "my mom is sick and dad left. I was just out for air but then the gangsters suddenly hit me for no reason. "

So a child the same age as him, what a coincidence.

He glances at his watch. "I have 5 minutes left to patrol. Where's your house? I'll take you there. " Izuku said.

"Okay! " Kaminari smile.

Kaminari looks at him and whisper. "Ya know, you don't need to hide from me, Izuku. "

Dark smile. "Ahh, you have found out, guess you're not stupid after all. "

Kaminari pouted. "I'm not stupid! "

Izuku and Kaminari know each other when there are 11. Izuku met Kaminari in a bar, he was being kicked out from his family for being too smart. Kaminari had finished his studies after a few months. They've been friends since then. Izuku offers a place for him to sleep. After a year, he'd been offered a job as a spy after Nezu helps him with his homework. Hence, the reason Kaminari just said is a lie.

"Yeah, says the one with IQ 670. " Dark said. "The principle of UA share the same IQ as you. "

"How did you know Nezu?! " Kaminari exclaimed, his eyes widen. "Cough, how did you know the principle of UA? "

"So his name is Nezu. " Dark said. "Eraserhead mention of him to me theses days. "

"You met Eraserhead? " Kaminari eyes sparkle.

"Yeah, met him through petrol. "

"It's so cool! "
Flashback end

"That's wonderful! " Nezu said. Dark nodded his head.

If Kaminari spilled his secret he's not going to live.

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now