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Sup. I drew art. Hope ya like it!

Bakugo was just wandering in the hospital hallway. He had suspicions about Dark similar to Deku, or Izuku. The nurse didn't bother to ask him.

He overheard a conversation in one of the rooms.

"Are you confirm that your parents died from a collapsed house 8 years ago? "

"Yes. "

Who's house got burned down?!

"Is your mother and father's named Inko Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya? "

"Y-Yes. "

That's Izuku's parents!

"How old did you became vigilante? "

"About 7 years since I was 9. "

He opens the door and blurted out. "Hisashi Midoriya, as in Deku's father? "

Izuku looks at his old friend with eyes widen. Why is he here?! He left his mask with Denki and he didn't want to risk them to find out.

"Ka-kacchan?! Why are you here?! " Izuku yelled.

"You fucking nerd! Why would you fucking leave me?! " Bakugo yell.

"I don't think it's important to you Kacchan. You just like the others, bullied me for my quirk in preschool. "Izuku said, emotionless.

Aizawa and Yamada look at him worried.

"Alright Bakugo, we're in the middle of the investigation. Can you go out? "Nezu asks.

Bakugo growls. "Yeah, alright. I expect you to come back to UA. " he then goes out.

"And don't tell others about this! " Kaminari shouts. A swear word was heard at the end.

Izuku sigh. Bakugo is going to know this sooner or later.

"Shall we continue? " Tsukauchi asks. Izuku nodded his head.


Aizawa is worried about the kid, he's such a problem child. How the hell did he not notice a 16 years old being a vigilante?!

Aizawa sigh, he already has a kid is enough for him, plus Shinsou probably have feelings for Dark or Izuku.

He looks at his husband, Hizashi gave him a look.

"I know what are you thinking Sho, we're not gonna adopt him. " Hizashi said.

"You want to adopt me? " Izuku look at them confusing.

Aizawa groan.

"I don't want to be adopted, yet. " Izuku said. "I'm not prepared. "

"Alright. But Aizawa will be your temporary guardian. " Nezu said. Izuku nodded. "We'll have a meeting with the UA staff. Izuku, you'll come to the meeting too. "

The four adults go out of the room for the kids.

"What happened while I'm gone? " Izuku asks.

Kaminari sigh. "Bakugo tried to murder me, asking me about you. Then there's Yaoyorozu and Jirou, worried about you because you got stabbed. "

Izuku smile, "well, I guess Kacchan never change. What did he say? "

"Oh, he's just threatening him with explosion. " Shinsou said. "And then he'll go his stupid yay mode again. "

"Hey! "

Izuku looks at Kaminari. "You haven't told him? "

"Oh, I haven't. "

"Tell me what? "

"I'm a spy under Nezu's help. " Kaminari blurted out.

"A spy? "

"Goddamnit Kaminari, don't say like that. " Izuku sigh and explain to him. "Kaminari and Nezu shared the same IQ, you know how smart Nezu is. He can control his electrification very well, the yay mode is just a disguise for him being smart, even Aizawa and Mic didn't know about him. "

Shinsou looks at him eyes wide. "That-That explain about it. "

"About what? "

"Aizawa saw you with Nezu sometimes, he always thought you're in trouble. " Shinsou said.

"Ugh, that's why he gave me weird looks these days. " Kaminari groan.

"And another news, the sports festival is coming in another week. Aizawa said you're not going with us, you'll be staying with them. " Shinsou said.

"Noted. "

"Bakugo made a few enemies with the rest of the first-year classes. " Kaminari said. "He was shouted by Iida for swearing. "

"That's usual. "

"If we are saying our secrets, can I tell you something? " Shinsou said.

"Yeah, sure, what it is man? "

"Aizawa and Present Mic is my dads. "

Kaminari widens his eyes, processing what just Shinsou said. Izuku looks at him, smiling.

"What? You didn't figure it out? " Izuku said. Kaminari shakes his head. "No! What the fuck dude! I keep listening to Todoroki's secret love child theories about you and Aizawa and never knew it's true! "

"Well, now you heard, it's true. " Shinsou shrugged.

"Damn, I need time to think. " Kaminari hold his head. Then he looks at Shinsou with a wide grin. "Can I prank him? "

"Kaminari no. Don't prank anyone. " Izuku stops him.

Shinsou sigh. "Kaminari no. "

"Kaminari YES! "

I've been drawing arts. 😀

Post the Q&A answers in next chapter?

Have a great day!

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