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I finally drew Shinsou, his goddamn hair-

Kaminari looks at the sleeping Izuku, the doctor has said he is fine, not in any danger zone anymore. Recovery girl had healed him. He is sitting next to his hospital bed, holding Izuku's hand.

"Izu... Please, you have to wake up... " Kaminari choked on his tears.

Nobody is in the room except the two of them, so Kaminari can say his real identity. He doesn't want to give pieces of information about Izuku to Nezu, or Aizawa if they found out his identity.

"Wake up Izu... I can't live without you... I love you... "

Shinsou on the other hand is taking care of Aizawa with Mic. Aizawa didn't hurt that badly, just a few scratches on his face. He can leave the hospital quickly, to his luck. He didn't like to stay in a hospital for too long.

The first thing he woke up he asks them, "is Dark okay? "

Shinsou and Mic look at him deadpanned, he cares for someone else than their family members. Sighing, "He hasn't wake up yet, I heard Kaminari the doctor said he is out from the danger zone. " Shinsou said.

"Kaminari is with him? " Aizawa asks. Shinsou nodded. Aizawa continues, "Good, let them rest. Then I will be asking Dark some questions. "

"The other kids were fine, no serious injuries. " Mic added. Aizawa nodded his head. He is glad.

The door was knocked and opened. A woman stands at the door looking for someone. (I was going to write Bakugo, but eh, he can wait)

"Is Aizawa here? " the women ask. She is wearing a light blue hoodie with long blue jeans. Her messy red hair is tied to a low ponytail. Her red-brown eyes wander through the room.

"Yes, Aizawa is here. Did you go to the wrong room? " Mic asks. The woman shakes her head, and pull out a cup of coffee that Aizawa love from her bag, and put it on the hospital table.

"Here, I think you might want to drink coffee. He told me to make one for you. " the woman said.

Mic and Shinsou look at her with confusion, while Aizawa looks at her with thank.

"May I know who you are? " Mic asks.

"Oh, my name is Yako, a barista, and the manager of a coffee shop. " Yako introduces herself.

"Who is 'he' you're talking about? " Shinsou asks.

"Oh, " Yako rubbed her neck. "His name is Midori, he won't let me say his real name until he said so. "

Shinsou thought, 'Midori? Isn't that stands for green color? '

"I thought Midori is his real name. " Aizawa said.

"Yeah, it's complicated. I have to go now. See you again at the coffee shop. " Yako smile, and leave the room.

"You didn't tell me you're an old customer at the coffee shop? " Mic asks.

"You didn't ask. "

Yako walks down the hallway to her old friend's hospital room, nobody saw she suddenly have a basket of fruits hanging on her arm. She knocks on the door and walks into the room.

"Hey, is he awake? " she asks, putting the basket on the table. She takes a chair sits beside the bed.

"No... "

"Don't worry, he's strong. You know him. " she comforts.

"I hope so... I still have a lot of things to tell him... Yako? "

"Mhm? "

"What if... What if he won't wake up? What if he forgot who was I? What if he forgot himself? What if- "

"Nonsense, he will wake up. "

"But he got injured! "

"His head wasn't injured, only his chest and wings. Think positive, remember? He'll wake up. "

"Yeah, he'll wake up. Thanks, Yako. "

"Anytime, Denki. "

Who's Yako? She will be revealed soon!

Ya sure you guys don't want to comment in the Q & A? I wasn't being rude to force you to comment, just this is the first time a few people are commenting on my fanfic and I'm really grateful.

Have a great day!

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