Christmas Special

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This morning it's Christmas Eve, the 1-A dorm students are very excited about Christmas. Aizawa had informed them that they will celebrate Christmas with Eri tomorrow.

The students have a secret Santa going on, and Izuku was added to the list. However, since the class has an odd number, Yaoyorozu decided that they will get two names instead of one. They are not supposed to tell each other about the secret Santa. Of course, Aizawa knows about this.

Luckily, Izuku had got his boyfriends' names. He knows what to get for them. Kaminari and Shinsou got each other's name and Izuku's name. Lucky Christmas right?

Izuku had to get out of the dorm to buy the gifts for his boyfriends without their notice. He had informed Aizawa he'll be back before evening.

"Izuku, take your boyfriends with you on the way there. " Aizawa said.

"Can't. " Izuku replied. "I got them as the secret Santa. "

"At least take one of the students with you. "

"Fine, I'll ask Sero. "

Izuku had called Sero and went to the Hero store.

"Hermano, who did you got? " Sero asks.

"I thought we are not supposed to tell each other? " Izuku raises an eyebrow.

"I'll keep a secret. Tell me who you got! "

Izuku smile and sighs. "I got my novios. "

Sero smiles widely. "Wow, congrats amigo! I got Iida and Mina. "He laughs. "What are you buying for them? "

"I'm gonna buy Toshi a Eraserhead action figure, his favorite pro hero. Denki's present is easy peasy, a sweater I knitted for him long ago. He always stole mines or Toshi's hoodie. " Izuku said. "I had to buy one for Eri too. "

"Nice. "

The next day came so quickly. The dorm had decorated with a Christmas aura. Sato and Bakugo preparing the dishes. Sero, Shoji, Aoyama, Asui, Ashido, and Yaoyorozu decorated the places. Kaminari, Shinsou, Ojiro, and Hagakure help to decorate the Christmas tree. The rest of them will help in the kitchen with the utensils. Eri had come to the dorm to greet them. The big three however had something to do, so they will come by when the Christmas party started.

"Izuku! " Eri's voice rang through his ear. Izuku quickly runs to her and hugs her, Aizawa standing by his side. "Izuku! Merry Christmas! Look at what present I give to you! "Eri hand him a present that wrapped with green paper wrap.

"Awe, you buy a gift for me? " Izuku take the present from her hand. The present was quite light and small, probably the size of his palm since the child can't take any heavy things.

"She insists to give you your first. " Aizawa told him.

"Open now Izuku! " Eri said. Izuku looks at her. "You want me to open it now? " Eri nodded her head.

Izuku opens the present, there's a piece of drawing and a keychain. Izuku looks at the drawing, she drew him, Shinsou, and Kaminari together. She even colors it! He then looks at the keychain, a green kitty is sleeping soundly with a purple kitty and a yellow kitty.

"I love it Eri. Thank you. "He hugged her.

"Your welcome Izuku! "

Time skip to Christmas party

Aizawa had brought Eri to the dorms, Nezu comes along with them surprisingly. Nezu had given Izuku a green bag since he can't rest his wings on the hard bed.

The secret Santa had started, they sat in a big circle, giving presents one by one.
(I'm gonna skip to Shinkamideku's gifts.)

Shinsou and Kaminari know each other's secret Santa, planning on doing something with Izuku. When they walk in front of Izuku, they plant a kiss on his cheeks, making Izuku blushed.

"W-Wait, you two are my secret Santa? " he stutters. They nodded their head.

Kaminari got a Pikachu onesie from Shinsou and a sweater from Izuku. Shinsou got a cat onesie from Kaminari and an action figure of Eraserhead from Izuku. And lastly, Izuku got a bunny onesie from Shinsou and a pair of black earnings from Kaminari.

"Aw sweet. Thanks, Denki, thanks Toshi. I love it. " Izuku thanked them.

"We got you another present too, actually. " Shinsou said. Izuku looks at them confused.

"The present is in the bed. " Kaminari wink at him. Izuku widens his eyes and blushed furiously.

"W-W-What?! " he stutters again.

Kaminari and Shinsou laugh, Shinsou lifted up Izuku on his shoulder and headed to his bedroom. Aizawa and Nezu had given a thumbs up to the boyfriends. Izuku tried to fly, but he was grabbed tightly by Shinsou.

"Aizawa? Where are they going? " Eri asked.

"Don't bother them Eri. You'll see them tomorrow. You can play with others. " Aizawa said. Eri nodded and find someone to play with.

Nezu smile. "Ah, young love. "

The three boyfriends did love at night.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Have a great day!!

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now