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I wrote this at my tuition center-

Nezu won't admit it but, he is attached to the green-haired boy.

That young boy had lost his parents when he's 8, and all of the problems were blamed on Endeavour. That burning trash can didn't look around his surrounding before capturing a villain, and it's all his fault. Not to mention he tried to capture him when he's in vigilante suit.

He had the adoption paper in his hand, but he can't just force him to be his child. Plus, Aizawa mention he wanted to adopt him too, and the child is not ready.

The boy hasn't had parental love for about 8 years, and he is all alone. Thank god Kaminari live with him and help him these few years.

At least he has a friend to accompany him.

However, he can't just ignore Endeavour. He had destroyed a home, a home that everyone needs it. Izuku had mentioned that the youngest Todoroki was abuse by his own father in the 'training' session. The oldest son had escaped and nowhere to be seen. His mother, Rei, couldn't help either, she was sent to the mental hospital after accidentally burn Shoto's left side of his face.

Oh yeah, he is going to plan to capture that fire 'hero' and putting him in jail, until he dies.

There is a knocking sound on the door, he told them to come in. Not surprisingly is Aizawa.

"Hello Aizawa, what do you need? " Nezu asks.

"I was hoping that the problem child gets a guardian as quick as we can, or else that Endeavour going to catch him. " Aizawa said.

"Ah, yes. He has to choose a guardian on his own after all. " Nezu replied.

"Yeah. "

"Oh, speaking of him, he's here. " Nezu said, looking through his computer where the cameras had shown. Aizawa opens the door and let him in.

Izuku comes in with Kaminari beside him. "Hi! I was hoping that we could go to Dagobah Beach for training today at 5. "

"Who's coming with you? " Aizawa asks.

Izuku counted his fingers. "Well, it'll be me, Kaminari, Shinsou, Sero, Ashido, and Kirishima. "

Aizawa groan. "Alright. "

"But before you go, " Nezu stops him. "We want you to choose your guardian. " he passes the adoption to Izuku.

"A guardian? " Izuku look through the papers.

"Yes, you're going to choose your guardian, we won't force you to do something you don't like. " Nezu said.

"Come on Izu, who are you going to choose? Nezu or Aizawa? " Kaminari asks.

"I'll choose... "


"Come on! Use your strength without your quirk! Ashido! No melting the machines! Kirishima! Don't play with the sand! "

The 6 of them are training at Dagobah Beach with Aizawa and Nezu as supervisors. Kaminari and Shinsou were sparing without their quirks.

"When did you get so strong? " Shinsou asks, catching a breath.

"About a few years actually, since Izu came in. " Kaminari replied, defend an arm was about to punch him.

On the other side, Izuku is sparing with Sero, they are using wooden sticks.

"So, amigo. Can you tell me your story? " Sero ask, tried to punch a fist on Izuku's side.

"Sure amigo. But I'll tell you one day when I'm ready. " Izuku replied, kick off his incoming fist.

"Woah! You can speak Spanish too? " Sero exclaimed.

"My mother was Spanish. So she'll teach me some Spanish words. " Izuku said.

"Oh yeah, you're my best friend now. " Sero said, cling an arm on Izuku's shoulder.

"Hey! I want to be his best friend too! " Ashido shouted.

"Me too! I don't want to be left out! " Kirishima yelled.

Izuku smiled, "alright alright, you three can be my best friends. "

"Hey! What about us? " Kaminari ask, Shinsou stand beside him.

"Oh? I thought we're lovers. " Izuku whispers and smirks. Kaminari and Shinsou blushing furiously.

Aizawa at the back, smirks, and whispers. "Smooth kid. " Nezu laughs at Aizawa's comment.

"Oh mis amores, want to be my novios? " Izuku flirts. Kaminari's face is red beat but Shinsou had no idea what is that mean. Izuku had taught Kaminari a few words of Spanish a few years ago.

"Oh ho ho, hermano, are you going to-" Sero ask, but cut off by Nezu.

"Alright Izuku, the training's over. Time to go home. " Nezu said.

"Ooh, where am I staying? " Izuku asks.

"You're staying with me of course. "

Ahaha I still haven't reveal 😃

Anyway, I love how Izuku is half Spanish and he can speak Spanish fluently.

And who wants the burning trash to go to jail say I

Have a good day!

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