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There are 3 things Inko and Hisashi teach him. Izuku's parents taught him to be polite, be gentle, and never hurt a soul.

He is now walking to UA with Aizawa and Hizashi, no one knows who are they except Izuku. Mic has a few fans tho.

Nezu standing in front of the gates, waiting for Dark's appearance. He didn't know Aizawa and Hizashi are coming with him.

"Greetings Dark! The meeting is about to start, how about we get in first? " Nezu said.

Izuku nodded his head and walk in, leaving Aizawa and Hizashi behind.

"I feel like we're sending kids to school. " Hizashi said.

"You miss Hitoshi already? " Aizawa asks bluntly.

"No, not that kind. It's like, a new child going to a school he wanted to go to. " Hizashi explained.

"But Dark isn't a kid tho. " Aizawa raises an eyebrow.

"Yea, but what if? "

"You're thinking too much Zashi. Come on, we have a meeting to attend too. "

Izuku walking around the school with Nezu. He looks down, Nezu is keeping up paces with him. "sir? Do you need a ride? " he asks, lend out a hand. Nezu was surprised by his behavior.

"Thank you, Dark. " Nezu climb up on Izuku's shoulder. "You are very polite. " he commends.

"I was taught by my parents. "Dark said. Nezu nodded.

Once they arrive in the meeting room, the staff already in there. He put down Nezu on the chair.

"Greetings, we all knew we already offer a teacher spot for Dark. Dark, I believe you know every pro heroes in here? " Nezu ask. Dark nodded his head.

"Hello, I'm Dark. It's nice to know you all. Hope we can get along. Please don't hate me. " Dark bowed. Everyone except Aizawa and Hizashi was surprise.

"A polite Vigilante? " Midnight asks. "Why would we hate you? "

"I work as Vigilante for about 6 years, many heroes wanted me in jail. But I'm only helping people and save them. " Izuku said. It was all true, he doesn't want to be caught, he was almost caught by Endeavour once.

"So, can you tell us your Quirk? "Power Loader ask. Izuku nodded his head. "Quirks, actually. "

He put out his wings to show everybody. "This is healing wings, it can only heal myself. " the pro heroes was amused by the wing.

"Do you know a pro hero named Hawks? " Nezu ask.

"I do remember him from my childhood. He saves me from the sudden Quirk came out. " Izuku said.

"How about another Quirk? " Snipe ask.

Izuku concentrate and transform into a dark green kitty. Midnight awe at him. Izuku then changes back to himself. "This is my second Quirk. I can transform into animals or objects. "

"Two quirks? " All Might ask again. Izuku shakes his eyes, surprised by the number one hero.

"Last Quirk, eyesight. I can see the surrounding like a dragonfly with or without closing my eyes. " Izuku explained.

"Thank you, Dark. We are wondering if you can tell me about yourself? " Nezu ask. Izuku hesitates and shakes his head. "No. I'm not comfortable coming out. You can only direct me as Dark." He bowed.

"So, can you tell me your parents? Your parents taught you very well. " Midnight asks. Izuku shakes his head. "No, they're not here anymore. "

A few gasp and oh could hear in the meeting. "I'm sorry Dark. " Mic said.

"Don't, it's not your fault. It was Endeavour's fault. " Izuku said, holding back tears.

"Wait, Endeavour killed your parents?! " Snipe yelled.

"Yes. Can we change the topic? " Izuku ask the principal. He is not ready to tell them about his family and himself. He's nervous that they will put him in jail.

"Sure. Starts on Sunday, which is after 4 days, the exam entrance starts. You'll help us to watch them fight the robots and the written test. " Nezu said. "After that, you'll be an assistant with Aizawa class 1-A. "

"Oh god. " Aizawa comment. Midnight laugh. "Please don't expel any student this year Aizawa," she said.

"No promise. "

Dark nodded his head. "Okay. But I have a request. "

"What it is? "

"I'm still doing my Vigilante work, even if I work here. "

Aizawa and Mic look at Izuku surprise, he still can have his Vigilante work, after all, it won't kill him, right?

"Of course you can, but only accompanied by any pro heroes here. " Nezu agreed to his request.

"Thank you. "

"Today's meeting ended. Aizawa, keep an eye out for Dark. " Nezu announced. All the staff stand up and leave the meeting room.


"Come on Dark, let's get lunch! " Mic said, putting an arm around his shoulder. Izuku nodded silently. Aizawa and Midnight followed at their back.

"He seems young. " Midnight said. Aizawa glance at her weirdly. "Are you trying to get a date with him? "

"No! …yes...but I don't know if he like girls or not. " Midnight groan.

"How about you ask him? Question solve. " Aizawa said bluntly.

"Oh yeah! Hey Dark! " Midnight shout. Izuku turns his head in her direction. "Yes? "

"Are you straight? "

Izuku looks at her a while, and said, "I'm gay Midnight. "

Aizawa and Mic snorted, Midnight looks defeated. "Aww, I thought I had a chance. "

"Don't worry Midnight, you'll have a chance one day. " Izuku said.

"Yeah, one day…"

Aizawa and Mic laughed.

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now