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Izuku landed successfully beside Yaoyorozu and the others.

"Yaoyorozu, I need you to help me make something. " Izuku said.

Yaoyorozu and Jirou were surprised by his voice, but Kaminari wasn't. He just used to hear his voice. He has known him like 5 years until now, he wasn't that surprised.

"What happened? " Yaoyorozu asks. Izuku handed her his voice changer. "Here, make another one of this for me. And here, a pack of biscuits. " he knows her Quirk, she needs food to create things from her skin.

Izuku always has a snack with him on patrol if he's hungry. Plus, Kaminari always stuffs a pack or two biscuits for him during the patrols.

"Okay, give me a few minutes. " She said.

"Take your time. "

Izuku helps Shinsou and Mineta kick some D ranks villains and run back to Yaoyorozu.

"Okay, here! " Yaoyorozu passes the voice changer to Izuku, Izuku thank her and put it on.

"Jirou, find your classmates! They should be somewhere! " Izuku order. Jirou nodded and put her earphone Jack on the ground, listening to her classmates' movements.

"Kaminari! Keep shooting lower electricity! Save your quirk! " Izuku said. Kaminari nodded.

Izuku runs to help Aizawa, who is being crushed by a nomu. He kicks off the nomu and dragged Aizawa away from nomu.

"Look who's here, another useless NPC.," a villain said. "Kurogiri, who's that? "

The mist villain, Kurogiri, "Shigaraki, he's a vigilante name Dark. "

"A vigilante huh? Nomu! Get him! " Shigaraki yelled, order the nomu to kill Izuku.

Izuku waste no time to attack the nomu. He flies up to the nomu's head and saw a glimpse of its brain.

'The brain! ' he thought. He transforms his hand into a blade and slashes its brain into half, then he cut its throat to decrease its quick regeneration. The nomu stops its motion and slowly falls.

"No! That was supposed to kill All Might! " Shigaraki yelled, stomping like a child. "You're going to pay! Kurogiri! Get more nomu! "

"Yes sir. "

Izuku never knew those villains, but he kind of knew Kurogiri. The last time he interacts with him was two years ago, both of them separated to disagree with each other's works. Kurogiri wants to help both Shigaraki and Izuku, but their dreams are different. Shigaraki wants to be a villain while Izuku wants to be a hero. So Izuku cut his contact with Kurogiri and go on his own.

"Kurogiri. " Izuku look at him. "Never knew I see you here? "

"Careful Dark! He's dangerous! " Aizawa yelled from the back.

"Don't worry Eraserhead, I got this. " Izuku replied and took the first move.

Kurogiri quickly tried to use his warp gate on him, but Izuku just dodges and sneak up from his back. He pushes Kurogiri down and ties up with a rope that he had packed.

"Nice fight Dark. " Kurogiri just compliment him. Izuku doesn't know he took it as a compliment or an insult.

A nomu tried to attack Izuku, he quickly dodges it, but end up attacking Aizawa. Aizawa tried to take out the nomu with his hand to hand fight, however, the nomu just slammed his head to the ground.

"Oh shit. " Izuku curse. He stood up immediately and rushed to Aizawa's side. Izuku kick off the nomu and dragged Aizawa away again.

He looks at his surrounding, only see Shoji, Tokoyami, and Koda are nearby. "Shoji!  Tokoyami! " he called them.

Shoji and Tokoyami turn their head to Izuku. "Help me get Aizawa away from nomu! I'm going to kick some ass! " Izuku said as he passes Aizawa to them.

"Are you sure you're going to fight that monster? " Shoji asks.

Izuku nodded his head. "Yes, I'm sure. " he looks at the nomu. "Plus, I just killed one. This nomu looks stronger than the previous nomu. "

Izuku rushed to the nomu and tried to stab it. However, the nomu just kick Izuku on his chest. Izuku has no choice but needs to transform into a bigger animal.

"Dark! Be careful what are you transform! " Kaminari yelled. Jirou and Yaoyorozu look at him in confusion.

"You... Know him? " Jirou ask.

Kaminari just ignores her question and rescue the rest of his classmates.

Shinsou using his capture weapon to knock out the D rank villains.

"Shinsou! " he turns his head to Kaminari. "Did you saw where is the rest of your classmates? "

Shinsou shakes his head. "No, I didn't! " he then kicks off the last villain. "I think some of them are in the fire zone! "

"Alright! Thank you! " Kaminari thanked, and pass the girls and Mineta to Shoji, who is hiding with Tokoyami and Aizawa.

"Oh my! Is sensei okay? " Yaoyorozu asks. Shoji nodded his head. "Yeah, importantly, he's still breathing. "

Kaminari found his classmates at the fire zone as Shinsou said. Bakugo trying to blast the villain away, Todoroki trying to freeze them up, Kirishima uses his quirk to punch the villains and Sero uses his tape to tie them. Unfortunately, Mina and Hagakure were fainted due to Sero's tape was being burned and release the toxic gas by a few villains.

Kaminari uses his electricity to zap the villains and help his classmates.

"Kaminari! Are you sure you can handle them? " Kirishima yelled.

"Not sure! But at least I tried! " Kaminari zap the villains with lower electricity and kick them out. A villain tried to sneak up on him, but he concentrates the lighting on his leg and kicks the villain away.

"Are the rest okay? " Kirishima asks. Kaminari nodded his head. "Except that Mina and Hagakure have already fainted. "He pointed at the fainted girls.

"I'll carry them out of here! " Kirishima said, and pick Mina and Hagakure up.

"Todoroki! Use your ice to get a path! " Kaminari said. Todoroki just nodded and freeze the villains to make a path.

Suddenly, a voice telling them they are safe.


I know about the USJ, but it is still a little fuzzy from my mind.

And oh god, I'm not use to All Might's quote.

What happend next? Which one did they found out? Did they found out Dark's real identity? Or they found out Kaminari's identity?

Have a great day!

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now