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It is 10 o'clock approaching 11 at night, Dark standing on top of a building, wearing his vigilante suit. A dark green hoodie covering his head, a pair of tight black skinny pants, and a pair of high boots. He has his eye protector cover his eyes. He also wearing a voice changer to cover his age.

He can see his surrounding like a dragonfly. He can also use it when his eyes close.
Drawbacks: eyes sore and burn, tears as blood.

He can transform into animals or objects, anything you can name. But he needs to know what is the object you are naming to him.
Drawbacks: use more than 6 hours will be stuck in that transform after 1 hour will transform back.

3.healing wings
It's not a normal wing, his wing is similar to a bat's wing, but it made for good use. He heals himself automatically. Healing wings can only heal himself.
Drawbacks: if used too much, he'll fall asleep for 2 to 3 hours.

A thumping sound could be heard from behind. Izuku didn't even need to turn his head to see who is it.

"Nice to see you again, Eraserhead. "Izuku spoke. "By yourself? "

Aizawa pov
This vigilante, he sure sounds like a kid but I'm not sure. His body is small but not smaller than a 10 years old kid.

"Nice to see you again, Eraserhead. By yourself? " he spoke like a grown adult.

"Yea. What are you doing here? " I ask.

"Don't you see? Patrolling the city," said Dark.

I facepalmed, of course, he is patrolling. I sat beside him, he started to play his wings.

"What are your wings for? " I was curious about his wings. It looks like Hawks' but it is similar to a bat.

Dark touch his wings and said, "my wings? It can heal me when I'm hurt. That's all you need to know. "

I sigh. The wings are probably for good use.

I can't take him in, he didn't use his quirks to hurt people nor destroy things, he only uses to rescue people and defends himself. He let people hit him first to protect the citizens.

"Well, gotta go now. See you tomorrow patrol, Eraserhead. " Dark stood up and fly away.

I was thinking of following him but I don't like to invade other people's privacy. So I continue to patrol the city.

Third-person pov
About midnight, Aizawa went back home. His husband, Hizashi already asleep in their room. He walks in and lays down beside his husband.

"Long night? " Hizashi yawn. Aizawa hum.

"Saw Dark from patrolling. That's all. How's Hitoshi? " he asks.

"Asleep, I think. Come on, we have classes to teach tomorrow. " Hizashi said.

Hitoshi Shinsou, a 15 years old boy same age as Izuku. He was abused by his birth family when he's 9 until Izuku stopped them. Izuku had brought Shinsou to Aizawa household and told them the news. Aizawa was surprisingly said yes to Izuku's offer.

After a year, Shinsou opens up to Aizawa and Yamada. Shinsou keeps his promise to find the vigilante that save him from the hell hole. He trained hard with Aizawa with the captured weapon.

Shinsou lay on his bed, groaning because his insomnia kicks in. He ruffles his messy purple hair as he takes his laptop out. He tried searching some videos of Vigilante Dark from previous news.

There are not many videos of the Vigilante Dark. He tries to hide or avoid the camera, making the cameraman hard to catch him. Some of the heroes wanted him in jail once, especially Endeavour, but Aizawa and Yamada refuse. Because they saw what the Vigilante Dark has done, Dark only helped the heroes for some villain information, he doesn't kill innocent people. So they can't put him in jail. Nezu has a different idea that Aizawa didn't even surprise.

Shinsou is wondering if the Vigilante is the same age as him. Not in a weird way but he wanted to befriend him. He saw him from those previous weeks as he bumped into him. Dark only protect him, Shinsou swears on his life. His dads can prove it to them.

Shinsou yawn. He closes his laptop and puts back on the desk. Close his eyes and drifted back to sleep. 

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now