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Izuku's parents taught him to get along with his friends he had saved.

Izuku is now training in the backyard with Shinsou with a long wooden stick that Aizawa prefers to train with.

"Come on, free your mind, and concentrate on the combat. " Izuku said. The wood stick smacks across Shinsou's wood stick. Shinsou is almost able to fight it back.

"Get that head of yours free. " Izuku smack that stick on his side of his body as a surprise attack, Shinsou yelp and lay down, groaning.

"Why you keep surprised attack at me?! " Shinsou groan, lay on the groan as a starfish. "So unfair! "

"A hero never knows what the villains will do and done. " Izuku said, picking up the wooden stick from Shinsou.

"Dark's words were right Hitoshi, you will never know how and what the villains will do. " Aizawa suddenly comes from the house. Shinsou startled by the voice.

Shinsou groaned again. "Yea yea. I'm getting a drink, you want one? " Shinsou ask Izuku. Izuku nodded. "Sure. "

Aizawa walks to Izuku and took the stick from him. "Ya know, I didn't know you can train with these sticks," he said. Izuku shrugged. "I learn a lot of defensive combat, this was one of it. "

"Impressive. " Aizawa said.

Izuku looks at the backyard door, waiting for Shinsou to come back. "Surprising that he opens up to me really quick. " he looks at Aizawa.

Aizawa surprise. "He did? It took me and Zashi a year. " he huffed. "Maybe because you save him in the first place. "

"Maybe. "

Shinsou grabbing 2 drinks from the fridge and walk back to the backyard. He heard Dark and Aizawa are talking to each other.

"…surprising that he opens up to me really quick. "

"He did? It took me and Zashi a year. "

"Maybe because you save him in the first place. "

"Maybe. "

Shinsou blushes a little, he didn't know why he opens up to Dark so quick. He sees him as a friend right? Why is he blushing in the first place?!

"Whatever... "He mumbled and walk back to the backyard with the drinks.

"Hey, you don't mind the flavor of the drinks right? " he picks up an orange juice. Dark Shook his head. "I don't mind. "

"I leave you two here, don't train too long. You can stay here Dark. " Aizawa said. Dark nodded his head.

Shinsou awkwardly looks at Dark. He is drinking he's orange juice that Shinsou gave him. "Hey... Uh... Can I know about you? " he asks.

Dark look at him. "If you want to talk about myself yes I can, but no talking about my age and parents. " Dark said.

"Okay. So, your name is Dark, obviously a fake name right? " he asks.

Dark nodded. "Yes. "

"Favorite color? "

"Green. "

"Favorite food? "

"Katsudon. "

"Favorite hero? "

"I'm gonna be honest, Eraserhead. "

"Woah! Same! "


Aizawa and Hizashi standing in front of the backyard door, listening to Dark and Shinsou's conversation.

"I'm getting curious about Dark right now. " Aizawa said. Hizashi looks at him confused.

"You know he's not like the stays cats you want to adopt right? " Hizashi said.

Aizawa groan, "yeah yeah. "

Hizashi kissed his husband's cheek, "come on, let's cook dinner. " Aizawa smile and tag along with Hizashi.


"Dark, Eraserhead or All Might? "

Izuku looks at Shinsou, "Eraserhead. To be frank All Might is my idol from my childhood. "

"Oh, " Shinsou ask. "What makes you change? "

"Being in the underground is way better than meeting the media. " Izuku replied bluntly.

They could hear Aizawa laugh in the kitchen, Shinsou and Hizashi are a little scared, but Izuku didn't.

Hi uh, I didn't know this book, or story you want to call, have much attention?? I'm so grateful!

Some chapters may be short. But hope you all like it! I never wrote a poly relationship before, only read it on Wattpad, Ya know, Tdbkdk story.

Have a nice day!

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