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Izuku looks at the teachers. "Finally! You came! " he said. "Took you long enough to get here. "

Snipe use his guns on Shigaraki and shot him in his leg. All Might smash the nomu in the end, straight to the sky.

"Ugghh! Kurogiri! " Shigaraki groan childish. He took a knife from his Kurogiri without Izuku's presence, and throw it on Izuku.

Present Mic saw the incoming knife, he tried to warn Izuku but it was late. The knife stabbed on Izuku's lungs, near the heart. Midnight gasps in shock.

"Ah! " Izuku yell in pain. Holding the knife from the chest. Shigaraki then takes another knife and stabs one of his wings. Blood dripping down, his vision starting to get loose. He falls to the ground, trying to pull out the knife.

"Dark! " Kaminari shouted, run to his help. A few villains blocked him, but Shinsou helps him kick off them. Kaminari rushes to Izuku's side immediately.

Izuku coughs out blood, his wings are injured, it will be hard to move around. Kaminari pulls out the knife from the wings and throws it away as far as possible, not to injured any people. The wings are in bad shape, he could say.

"Dark! Dark! You're gonna be okay, alright? Keep your eyes open for me Dark. " Kaminari carried Izuku's head on his hand. He looks at Izuku with tearful eyes. "Eyes on me Dark, don't you dare die on me. "

"Denks, I'm not going to leave you, I promise. " Izuku tried to convince Kaminari.

"Bullshit Izu, your wings are already damaged," he said, whisper his name, not to reveal to the others.

Izuku gives a kiss on Kaminari's forehead before his vision goes dark.

Izuku's wings can not be injured. If he was injured, the wings still can heal him. But if the wings are injured, adding some injuries from his body parts, the wings are mostly useless, and he'll die slowly, or fall into a coma. He can't do anything without his healing wings. He needs medical care as quickly as possible.

Kaminari shouts at the Vigilante's name, tears keep leaving his eyes. Present Mic and Cementoss come for help.

"Kaminari, is he alive? " Cementoss asks. Kaminari nodded, but shake his head.

"What do you mean? " Present Mic asks.

Kaminari rubbed his eyes, "he- he needs medical care immediately. He can't stay like this, he will die! " he chokes.

Shigaraki looks at Izuku with a grinning smile. He may not know the Vigilante that well, but he looks happy to kill without his quirk.

"Shigaraki, it's time to go back. " Kurogiri remind him.

"Mhm. "

A mist of portal takes two of the villains back to where they belong. The students finally can rest their quirks. The teachers are helping the students get up. Shinsou rushed to Aizawa's side and pick him up, muttering his dad's name quietly.

Kaminari was taken to the hospital with Izuku and Aizawa, Shinsou tag along. The teachers tried to ask him how did he know Izuku but he didn't want to answer. He tried to think positive about Izuku's incident, but he can't.

Before Izuku as an assistant in UA, Nezu and Kaminari meet a few times. Of course, the other teachers didn't know about him.

"Kaminari, do you know about the Vigilante Dark? " Nezu asks.

Kaminari jolt, of course, he knows him. He saved him a few years ago. He promises himself he can't let anyone know about Izuku's real identity. "W-Why? I barely met him. " he tried to lie.

Nezu notices his jolt and sigh. "Well, he has combat skills, perfect for teaching the hero courses students next year. I want him to be a teacher here or an assistant. " Nezu explains.

"I don't know sir... Last time I saw he was chased by Endeavour. " Kaminari sigh.

Endeavour tried to burn him with his fire. Not only he notices, but other pro heroes are also there too. The worst part is they agreed with Endeavour's words.

"Oh no, that's not good. " Nezu said. Whoever does badly in Endeavour's perspective, it will never end well. "We need to help him. "

"Yea, but how? " Kaminari asks. He literally can ask Izuku about the offer, but as a spy from Nezu, he can't slip that off.

"I'll hold a meeting with the staff in UA, telling them to take Dark here. Plus, Eraserhead knows where the place he usually patrols. " Nezu replied.

Kaminari looks at Nezu. He knows getting Izuku at UA is the best idea, but he didn't want to slip off his mind about they know each other.

"Okay. "
Flashback end

Kaminari looks at Izuku, hoping he'll be alive, Shinsou did the same.

Hi! How are you guys doing today?

My mom is going to take me to the hospital this Saturday because my period didn't come for 17 days? Like it's already 2 weeks my period still haven't come.

Wish me luck not being pregnant! Jk jk, I can't be pregnant

Have a great day!

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now