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The next day, Izuku woke up earlier than normal. He looks at his phone, it was only '5:47 am'. He looks at himself, and then his wings. Izuku remembers the time when he got his quirks.

"Izuku not only got one Quirk, he has three. " the doctor said. The Midoriya family was surprised at the news.

"The wings on his back called Healing Wings, it can only heal himself, he can also fly with that wings. The second Quirk is called eyesight, he can see through by just closing his eyes at 360°. The third Quirk is called transformation, he can only transform into objects or animals. Izuku, try to think of one of the objects on my table and turn it into one. "

Izuku looks at a pencil and concentrates on transform. A pen poof on the chair. Inko is suprise to see his son can turn into objects.

Izuku transforms back to himself and smiles. "Hey, mom did you see that!? Did you see that!? I got my quirks!! "

Inko and Hisashi are proud of their son. Izuku may not have any of his parents' Quirks, but they still proud of him.

Hisashi trained him to transform into simple objects at first. Izuku still trying, but Hisashi never gave up on him.

"Good job Izuku, we're proud of you, you'll be an amazing hero like Hawks one day. " Hisashi said, ruffling his son's hair.

"Yeah! I'll be the number one hero! " Izuku said, smiling.

Izuku smiled at his memories. He never thought he would get 3 quirks on the same day. Thinking that Bakugo will forget about him.

He put on his vigilante suit and his modified mask. Open the door only meet the purple hair insomniac's room light was on. He walks in front of the room and hesitates to knock.

'Why I'm so nervous? ' he thought. 'Nevermind I'll be in the guest room for a while. '

Sighing, and walk back to the room. He has a meeting today. Aizawa will probably kill him if he's late for that.

Shinsou only sleeps for 4 hours, the insomniac had to kick in too long. He heard a sound and look at his door with a question, he heard footsteps outside his room. He was thinking maybe it was from Aizawa or Hizashi. When the footsteps stop for a few seconds, Shinsou is prepared to open the door, but they go away.

'Who's that…? Is that Dark? ' he thought.

He opens his bedroom door, nobody is outside his room. He then looks at the guest room, a soft singing voice he could hear from there.

"Eyes gold~bright and majestic~

And I'm going down, like a titanic~

Eyes purple~dark and mysterious~

And I'm going down, like a titanic~"

(Song from Tiktok)

The voice was in a low voice and very soft, feeling like only he can hear it besides his ear.

Aizawa was awake from the cat sitting on top of his face. He walks out of his room and walks into the living room. Aizawa looks at his son weirdly, he is wondering why Shinsou is standing in front of the guest room. But then he heard Dark singing, realize what is Shinsou doing.

"Hitoshi? " Shinsou was startled by his dad, quickly move out the door, and stand in front of his door. "What are you doing? "

Shinsou rubbed his neck, blushing a little. "N-Nothing! I'll be in the living room for a while! " he then runs to the living room panic.

Dark open the door to see who's there, Aizawa standing in the living room watching Shinsou run. Aizawa is already dressed up in his hero costume while Shinsou is still in his pajamas.

"Uhh, is something wrong? " Dark ask. Aizawa turns his head to him. "Nothing. We're leaving in an hour. Be ready. Oh, and great voice by the way. "

Dark shock, "o-oh, sorry, was I singing? " Aizawa waves his hand. "It's no big deal. "

"Sorry, I was a little stressed. " Dark bowed. He looks at Shinsou, he's covering his face with his arm. "Uhh, what's wrong with Shinsou? " he pointed.

Aizawa grinned, "ah, just a little panic, he'll be okay in a few seconds. " Dark confuse but nodded anyway.

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now