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Izuku's parents had taught him makes a quick plan every time he saw villains.

Izuku is now facing a group of villains. He got help from Aizawa and Snipe because of some villains as a gun based Quirk. He attacks the villain from the front and Aizawa erases his Quirk at his back.

Izuku attacks another villain and kicks him in the chest. He then cracks the villains from the back, making the villain groan in annoyance and swear a few words. Izuku pulls out a rope to tie them.

Izuku had never sworn before, but only in a dangerous situation or when he's alone. He does pick up a few swear words from previous villains he had attacked, like: 'fuck', 'shit', and more. Aizawa and Mic had never heard him swear in front of them.

Soon, the villains were capture. The police had taken them away. Tsukauchi writes the report on his paper as soon as the villains get in jail.

"Good job Dark! The villains' case keeps bugging me these days. " Tsukauchi said. Dark nodded acknowledged.

"Dark, can you make it to tomorrow's exam entrance? " Nezu ask.

Izuku is now sitting in a meeting with a few pro heroes. All Might Aizawa, Present Mic, Cementoss, Midnight, Snipe, Vlad King, and others.

"I guess I can. Why? " Izuku ask, confuse.

"Since you can turn into animals or objects, I want you to be the last opponent they face. " Nezu request.

"Nezu, I thought we are going to put a zero pointer at the last? " Mic said. Nezu shakes his head. "The students will know the zero pointers and avoid to attack it, and Dark can play a role as a zero pointer, avoid the runaway, students. "

"That makes sense, but do they know Dark presence? " Aizawa ask.

"I didn't meet a lot of kids being attacked this year, only a few were 8 to 13 years old. " Izuku replied. "Some of them didn't have quirks, it explained that they got bullied because of that. "

A few heroes look at his words with surprise, they never knew being quirkless getting bullied.

"Which animal you want me to be their last opponent? " Izuku quickly changes the topic, don't want to stuck at that topic for too long.

"Ah, if you can, the strongest animal you know. Maybe a lion or tiger? " Nezu said.

"Lion it is. " Izuku said. "Or you want me to transform into a dragon? "

"Please no. " Aizawa groaned. Midnight and Mic laugh.

"Can I gave them some points if they fight me? " Izuku requested.

Nezu thinks and nodded his head. "yes you can. If only they will fight against you. "

"Well then, it's settled. Dark will help us transform if the students fight him. Mic will announce this as a mystery pointer. Today's meeting had ended. " Nezu announced. The staff stood up and leave the meeting room.

Izuku walking to the lunch rush with other heroes. He feels comfortable being with Aizawa and Mic these days, he thinks it's because they let him stay in their place, plus he feels good to have Shinsou's presence in the house when the two adults weren't at home. He still doesn't like to reveal his real name and age to them.

"Hey Dark! What do you want for lunch? " Mic snapped out his thoughts. He looks at the lunch rush. "…katsudon? "

"Alright! " they said and smile. Midnight look at Izuku curious, "you like katsudon? "

Izuku nodded his head, avert his eyes. " well yes, it's my favorite. "

Aizawa tried to look at his eyes, his vibrant green eyes light upon his dark suit. Not many people have green eyes, but if they have they were rare. And again, he has a piece of dark green curly hair stuck out from his hood.

'A fan of green? ' he thought. Not many people have green curly hair. He notices something, there's makeup behind Dark's mask. 'Birthmarks? ' he thought again.

"Hey Dark! What's your favorite color? " Hizashi asked a hand over Dark's shoulder. Dark look at him, "green color. " he answered.

'Green huh. ' Aizawa thought. He looks behind Dark's body, he could see the body curves.

"Aizawa. "

Aizawa turns his head, Nezu standing in front of him, when did he come?!

"Yes Nezu? " he asks.

"Can you come with me for a while? There's something I need you to do. "

He sigh. "Yeah. "

He glances at his husband and Dark again, and walk away with Nezu to his office.

"What do you want? " Aizawa ask.

"I want you to keep an eye on Dark, he may a vigilante, but he's also dangerous. And keep him away from Endeavour. " Nezu said.

Aizawa raises an eyebrow, "Dark is kind with the heroes here, they can help to keep an eye on him, why me? "

"From Mic information, he slept in your house, right? "

Aizawa groan, why did his husband had to tell them everything?

"Yes, he requests to train Hitoshi. They just chat yesterday. " Aizawa said.

Nezu nodded his head. "Mhm, that's a good step to go. "

Aizawa finally understand. Nezu wants to help Dark to open up to the heroes and let Dark trust them. Dark doesn't like to talk about himself, he only said his parents had died because of Endeavour.

"Do you hear anything from Hitoshi about Dark? " Nezu ask.

"I only overheard them chatting about favorite things, like green is his favorite color, he likes Katsudon, he even talks about their favorite heroes. " Aizawa said.

"Favorite heroes? That's only kids will talk. " Nezu said.

Aizawa widens his eyes, why he didn't notice this?!

"He's not in his thirties. "

So I'll be changing povs in every chapter, try to guess the name

And I'm bad at writing love, goddamnit.

Have a nice day!

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