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Someone give me holy water.
I was entering Omegle in the afternoon and I saw a few men with their d!cks.
P l e a s e, why are you like this?!
And thanks for 13k views!

"Uhh, who's this kid? And why is he here? "

All Might pointed at Izuku, who dressed like a normal boy. His voice changer is still on his face but his mask was taken by Kaminari.

Izuku could say, he doesn't wear a lot of these plain white T-shirts. He doesn't even know he OWN these T-shirts. He often wears black leather, dark green shirts, and ripped jeans when outing. Maybe Kaminari bought it for him.

"This boy, " Aizawa pointed at Izuku. "Is Dark, and we're here for a meeting. "

The UA teachers are here for a meeting about the Vigilante Dark, or Izuku. They already know Izuku is a Vigilante except for All Might, he's too dense to know what's happening.

All Might cough out blood, he is still in his skinny form. "W-wait, I thought Dark was an adult? "

"He was, but now isn't. "

"What? "

"Nevermind, it's hard to talk to you. " Aizawa groan in annoyance.

Izuku snickers at Aizawa's annoyance. That man can't explain shit to All Might. All Might was too slow to connect the dots.

"Then, why is young Kaminari here? "

Every teacher looks at Nezu and Kaminari's direction. "Well, I think everyone needs to know now. Kaminari is my personal student and my secret spy for UA. " he put his hand on Kaminari's shoulder.

Kaminari waves his hand with a smile on his face. "Hi! "

"Why am I not surprise... " Aizawa sigh, pinching his nose bridge.

"And we brought Tsukauchi here too, the questions haven't ended. " Nezu added. Tsukauchi walks into the room.

Kaminari sat next to Izuku, who was trembling about his past. He doesn't talk about his past a lot, it's a sensitive subject to ask.

"Izu, it's okay, I'm right here. " Kaminari holds Izuku's hand. Izuku gave him a fake smile, saying he's okay. Kaminari knows that smile, he seems that too much on Izuku's face.

"So, we already asked about your parents' death that day in the hospital. " Tsukauchi said, flipping his notebook on his hand. "We need to know about you. "

"Wasn't I said my real name and age that day? How much do you want to know more? " Izuku raises an eyebrow. His vibrant green eyes look into the detective's eyes.

"The days of your vigilante work, or happy moments with someone you close to. Anything you can name it. " Nezu said, not wanting to express the child too much. He can see in his eye, the fear of losing someone he loves.

"W-well, " his bright green eyes look on his hands. "I work as a Vigilante for about 7 years. I stopped a few drug dealers by myself. I made this voice changer by myself. I had done my education at the age of 8. I chatted with Aizawa in the night patrol. You know I hate Endeavour. My mom would tell me being different does make me special. I first met Kaminari when I was 11. We have an abandoned apartment after a few months since Kaminari didn't have a place to stay. I met Shinsou at the age of 9, let him adopted by Aizawa... "

Izuku blurted out much information about him. Kaminari holding his hands to calming him doesn't want him falling into another panic attack.

"Is that all? " Tsukauchi asks. Surprisingly, those words from Izuku are true. Izuku nodded his head, fidgeting his fingers on his shirt. Aizawa notices this and sigh.

"Nezu, when can he starts? " Aizawa asks. Izuku raises his head and looks at Aizawa in confusion.

"Monday. Kaminari can help him with it. " Nezu replied.

Izuku look at the 1-A homeroom teacher and the principal, finally connect the dots. "Wait! You want me to be a student?! "

Nezu nodded his head, "yes indeed. But since you had finished your educations, you just need to be in the hero course, maybe help them with combat hand in hand training. "

Izuku groaned. He doesn't want to face Kacchan, yet. He knows he wouldn't forget him.

"You will not participate in the sports festival, I think Kaminari or Shinsou told you. " Nezu said. Izuku nodded his head.

"One thing, " Izuku reminds them,  "can I still do my vigilante work? "

"Yes you can, but you'll need a pro hero to come with you. " Nezu said.

"Do you want us to call you Dark or Midoriya? " Midnight asks.

"Just Dark or Izuku is okay, I don't mind. "

"Alright, today's meeting ended. Izuku, you'll be getting a uniform tomorrow. Kaminari will give it to you. " said Nezu. Izuku nodded.

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now