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"Welp, welcome home Dark. "

Izuku, Kaminari, and Shinsou walk into their home. A normal TV and a couch, grey kitchen and 3 of rooms. The wallpapers are light yellow and light green.

"Nice house. " Shinsou said. Izuku nodded his head.

Kaminari sigh and puts his school back on the floor, near his room.

"Denki, the photos. " Izuku spotted the picture that hanged on the wall, whispers to Kaminari, "get that down. "

Kaminari just nodded and go in a different direction. The photos have Izuku face revealed and can't let Shinsou see, if he saw he'll know his true identity. Shinsou watches him confuse.

"You can seat on the couch. I'll be back in a bit. " Izuku said. Shinsou nodded and sit down on the couch.

Izuku walks into his room, remembering his conversation with Aizawa and Mic.

"Aizawa, I'll be back by tomorrow, I have to go back to my house. " Izuku said.

Aizawa looks at him in confusion. "Wait, you have a home?! " Mic exclaimed.

Izuku rubbed his neck, "yeah, I forgot to tell you. "

Aizawa sighed, pinching his nose bridge. 'Can this prove he's in his thirties? Nezu won't believe that. '. He never thinks of that. He just thinks Izuku sleeps in the streets or living with somebody.

"Alright. "
Flashback end

Izuku sigh as he looks through his table, there are a few books and a few metals. He put back his books on the bookshelf, Kaminari may have read these books in his room. The metals are from the Dagobah beach for his invention, all of his inventions are made from metals and aluminum. Thanks to Kaminari, he helps Izuku pick up some useful ones.

"Hey Dark! What do you want to eat? " Kaminari yelled through the room.

"The usual! " Izuku yelled back.

"Alright! "

Shinsou sits on the couch, nearly falling asleep. He then smells something good in the kitchen. He walks in and found Kaminari is cooking dinner.

"Hey, what do you want to eat? " Kaminari asks, didn't look at him.

"I'm okay with anything. " Shinsou said.

Shinsou looks at him, Kaminari is cooking Katsudon. His phone rang on the table. He turns his head to his phone, the contact named 'Bear' on the ringing phone.

"Ah, Shinsou, mind help me watch the food? " Kaminari said, Shinsou nodded his head. Kaminari quickly takes his phone and hit the green button.

"Hello? Ah yes. " Kaminari nodded while looking at the wall. "He's with me. Don't worry... Yeah, we'll be there tomorrow. " he hung up.

"Who's that? " Shinsou ask.

"A friend. " Kaminari simply answer.

"Denki! Where did you put my gears again? " Dark yelled from his room.

"Uhh, the storeroom! " Kaminari yelled back.

After a minute, Dark yelled again. "Denki why did you put a knife in here?! The knife is supposed to be in the kitchen!! "

"Uh-huh! That's the spare knife for you to killing villains! "

"I told you not to killed anyone! You can get arrested! "

Shinsou listens to their conversation back and forth. "Is he always like that? " he asks Kaminari.

Kaminari nodded his head and sigh. "Too bad I fell for him. "

"Yeah, I mean-"

"Fell for what? "

Dark suddenly spoke behind them. Shinsou and Kaminari was shocked.

"Dude! I told you don't scare me like this! " Kaminari proceed to throw a knife to Dark. Dark caught the knife and laugh.

"Don't play with the knife Denki, how many times do I need to remind you? " Dark put the knife back to what Kaminari's cooking.

(Got this reference throwing coffee mug from 'Moon, protector of the dark' by @12RUA05, go read it!)

Time skip after lunch

Shinsou had to get back to his house before Aizawa kills him for being late coming home. Kaminari and Izuku talking about hero stuff after Shinsou left.

"Nezu wants to meet you tomorrow, " Kaminari reminds him. "He has important things to tell us. "

Izuku just nodded his head. "Yeah yeah. I'll keep in mind. I'll be leaving early tomorrow, do you wanna go with me or wait? "

"I rather go with you. I nearly late for school today. " Kaminari said.

"Alright, good night. "

"Good night Izu. "

Sorry, I just wanna put that face.

I think I'll be slow update, I haven't written for a while and these chapters were written a few days ago.

Izuku calls Denki at home, call Kaminari outside.

Have a nice day!

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now