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This is supposed to continue chapter 34.
I've been watching Jujutsu Kaisen lately, and I found out I like Inumaki-
Wow my age really said liking the same age people-
The pic up there is my drawing.

"Yako, it's time you tell him. "

"I can't. "

"Why? It's not that hard. "

"He was abandoned by his parents, I don't think he'll forgive me easily. "

"He'll be happy if he sees you. Come on. "

"Not now, maybe after his internship. "

A sigh. "Alright. If you said so. "


The trio walking down the hallway to their classroom, their homeroom teacher walking at their back. The medal ceremony had over, Kaminari got first, Todoroki got second, Ashido and Bakugo got third.

"The class is going to question you how the heck did you win first place Kaminari. " Shinsou said.

"Yeah, you always pretend to be a dummy from Nezu's order. " Izuku added.

"Well, I could just avoid it and hide behind you two. " Kaminari shrugged. "Besides, they will know the spy work from Nezu sooner or later. "

The two of them sigh at Kaminari. At least he's right.

Izuku opened the classroom door and was greeted by shouting.

"Kaminari! How the heck did you win the sports festival?! " Ashido yelled.

"Yeah man, I thought you have dyslexia. " Jirou said.

"I knew Kaminari is strong, but I didn't know you were that strong! " said Kirishima.

Izuku sigh, he definitely needs coffee for this.

"Alright class, sit down. "

Aizawa walks in with a stack of papers in his hand, and his yellow sleeping bag of course.

"These papers are your internship choices. You can choose who you want to intern with. " Aizawa said. "After two days you have to turn over to me. "

All students agreeing Aizawa's statement.

"Alright then, Iida, help me give the internships. I'm going to sleep. " after that, he cocoons himself into his sleeping bag.

Izuku didn't take part in the sports festival, so he didn't get any internships. Nezu mentioned he can choose who can he intern with.

He glancing around the classroom, noticing a student was looking at their phone, sulking. He taps Kaminari for attention, pointed at the suspicious student.

"You wake up Aizawa, I'll capture the traitor. Go. " Izuku said, and stand up.

"There's a lot of internship for you Kaminari, not surprisingly. " Nezu said.

"Yeah, he's the one who shook all the students by winning the sports festival after all. " Izuku said.

"So about the traitor. " Nezu started. "Do you have any suspicious who is it? "

"I've noticed a student, but I need more evidence. " Izuku said.

"Good, when you see them, capture them. Don't let them escape. " Nezu order.

"Yes sir. "
Flashback end

Izuku walks to the student's desk with an angry face. Ashido and Asui notice his scowling face.

"Hey uh, Midoriya? " Ashido asked. Izuku didn't answer.

"O-Oh hey Midoriya-kun! What's up? "

He grabs their hands and kicks their legs to lie on the ground. A hand pushing their back not to let them up.

"Uraraka, I think you know who are you dealing with. " Izuku said, angrily.

"Woah what happened?! " Kirishima asked.

"Good job Izuku, you've captured the traitor. " Aizawa said, standing behind Izuku.

"The t-traitor? " Ashido asked, looking at Uraraka. "Uraraka, don't tell me-"

"Yes, I am. If I don't do it they will hurt my family! " Uraraka admitted.

"You sold information to the league that we're going to USJ. " Izuku said.

"That's not manly Uraraka. " Kirishima frown.

"kaminari, take Uraraka to Nezu's office and report to him. " Aizawa said. Kaminari nodded and take Uraraka out.

Bakugo looks at Izuku with a questioning look, "what the actual fuck Izuku. Explain now! "

I'll be updating slower than usual, kinda need to balance in MHA and JJK fandom-

Have a great day!

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