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Izuku sigh. He doesn't hate him, he just dislikes All Might. He is a symbol of peace for Japan's sake!

Memory flooded in Izuku's mind, he remembered he overheard a young girl who was quirkless had met All Might. She asked if she can be a hero without a Quirk, much to Izuku dislike of All Might's answer, he answers a no and giving her advice to be an officer instead. Izuku heat boiled and wanted to punch All Might.

He went out and check the girl. He saw she was standing on top of a building, muttered something. Although Izuku can't hear what did she said, but from her action, it was very obvious. She's going to commit suicide. Izuku had to stop her before she fell.

"Is quirkless are useless? "

Her words keep flooding in Izuku's mind. Izuku never picking favorites, he looks at them in the same way. Quirk or quirkless, they are still a part of humans.

"No, you're not useless. Maybe you're a late boomer. Don't worry about it. "

The words surprisingly work on her, she hugged Izuku.

She was only a 13-year-old girl for fuck's sake!

'Maybe I'll find her soon. ' he thought.

"Woah! It's All Might! "

"Is All Might going to be our teacher? "

"He's going to be a teacher here? "

"All Might is teaching you the combat training today, grab your costume by your numbers and go to the ground beta. " Aizawa said, and slump back to his sleeping bag.

"Alright, you heard the man. Grab your costume and go. " Izuku said.

The students grab their hero costume from each of their numbers and go out. All Might stand at the door to see them. Izuku is the last one to go out of the class, Aizawa had informed him that he'll be helping to watch the combat training with All Might.

Izuku doesn't need to change, he's wearing his Vigilante costume all day after all. He's dark green hoodie matches his black tight pants. The boots of his did not make a sound when he's walking, so nobody will notice he's walking sounds.

He walks straight to the ground beta and waits for the students to come. He notices an invisible body with only a pair of gloves and a pair of boots.

"Hagakure, I believe your costume is only gloves and shoes? " Izuku ask. Hagakure nodded her head.

"Yeah! I'm invisible from my head to my toe after all! Plus, I'm naked! " she exclaimed.

Izuku nodded. A few students slowly come in with their hero costumes. He notices Shinsou's wears a dark purple baggy shirt with a utility belt similar to Aizawa's, and a capture weapon that Aizawa had given to him. Someone had questioned him if he is Aizawa's child.

He changes the view to Kaminari, he wears a black crop jacket with yellow lighting bolt symbols of his Quirk, a bland white shirt underneath. The pants are bland dark brown, he may add.

"Okay! Today we're going to pick partners and start the training! " All Might said, viewing all the students' hero costume.

"I'll be picking your partners. First, group A is Iida and Bakugo. Group B Kaminari and Mineta. Group C Kirishima and Todoroki. Group D Shinsou and Uraraka. Group E Yaoyorozu and Mina. Group F Shoji and Sato. Group G Aoyama and Hagakure. Group H Jirou and Tsuyu. Group I Ojiro and Sero. And lastly, group J Tokoyami and Koda. "

(I just randomly write them into groups) (edited, I just found out I wrote wrong-)

All Might continue, " we'll be picking through lots. First, group A vs group D. Group A will be villain, and group D will be heroes. " he pulls out the balls that writing the alphabet.

Shinsou widens his eyes as he heard he's fighting the hot head explosion, aka Bakugo. Uraraka had tried to calm him down.

Bakugo is fuming with rage. All Might had been chosen his partner as Iida. But on the bright side, his enemy is weak.

Kaminari looks over Shinsou, Shinsou is nervous as hell. He wonders why didn't Dark let him partner with Shinsou instead of Mineta. Mineta is a huge ass pervert, watching the girls' bodies.

"Mineta, can you not watch the girls? " Kaminari ask him.

Mineta scoff, "Nah! Look at their bodies! Their boobs and-"

He was cut off by Shinsou use his capture weapon on him. The girls look over the boys to see what happened.

"Aw come on! What's with you?! Aren't you like girls too?! "

"My sexuality doesn't matter to you, fucking Grapist. "

The girls ohh at him, "roasted! " Mina exclaimed.

Izuku smile. "Thank you Shinsou. Now, group A and group D please get ready. "

Time skip cuz I didn't watch season 1 :)

So, in conclusion, Bakugo nearly murdered Shinsou, Todoroki didn't use his fire Quirk, Yaoyorozu don't have self-confidence on herself and Tokoyami had to calm down Dark shadow if he lost control.

"Alright, if you have cuts or bruise go see Recovery Girl, the rest of you go back home. " Izuku said.

After they change into uniforms, Shinsou and Kaminari stayed behind. Izuku wonders why they didn't go after them.

"Hey, aren't you going home? " Izuku ask.

Kaminari look at Izuku deadpanned, "Dark, I live with you until you move out. "

That's right, Izuku did move out and told to live in Aizawa's house. He didn't move everything, just his useful gears. Aizawa didn't even ask him if he has a place to sleep. That makes Izuku facepalmed, he didn't tell Aizawa about it.

Shinsou on the other hand, look confused. "You had a place to sleep before? Why you didn't say? "

"That's why! I totally forgot about that. " Izuku sigh. "Come on, I gotta tell Aizawa then head back to my house first. "

"Alright. "

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