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Sorry for the long wait! School is hell.

A woman in her old twenty has 3 cups of coffee in her hand, walking down the hallway to find her friends.

"Ring- ring-" she took out the phone and push the green button.

"Hey, are you here watching him fight? "

"Yeah, I wonder how he will go, since you taught him how to fight. "

"He could fight well, but needs to improve on his hand in hand combat more. "

"Are you going to teach him fighting after this? "

"Can't. They have internships after this. "

"Well, I expect you to teach him well for good use. His quirk has improved. "

"He sure does... Hey. "

"Mhm? "

"Are you proud of him? "

"How could I cannot proud of my nephew? "

"Whatever you say, Yako. "

Who is the woman named Yako?


The fight :
Monoma vs Ashido
Shinsou vs Todoroki
Kaminari vs Tokoyami
Kirishima vs Bakugo

Monoma's battle with Ashido came quick. Ashido uses her acid to melt Monoma's copied quirks. Monoma had copied a 1-D student Quirk, due to the student have a strong Quirk and didn't want to be a hero, he took the general education class.

Izuku watched Shinsou and Todoroki's fight next. As Kaminari said, Todoroki put up a lot of ice near him to avoid got out the bounds. Shinsou had no way to use his Quirk and had to come up with a hand in hand combat, only avoid the ice as much as possible.

Todoroki avoids talking back to Shinsou, thinking that he'll use his Quirk on him. Surprisingly no.

"Todoroki, use your fire! " Shinsou yelled, remembered Izuku had told him what to do.

"Did my father pay for you for this?! " Todoroki yelled back but shut his mouth quickly. He didn't feel Shinsou using his Quirk on him.

"Use your fire, it's yours! Not his! " Shinsou yelled.

Memories flood Todoroki's head, the memory when his mother hasn't gone to the hospital.

"Mama! Can I be a hero too? " a 3 years old Shoto asked.

"Yes, you can sweety. "His mother replied with a smile.

His fire suddenly ignites into flame on his left body, destroying his half of the pe uniform.

"Fight me Todoroki! Use all of your power! " Shinsou shout.

"Gladly. " Todoroki smiles. "Thank you Shinsou...Midoriya. "

In the end, Shinsou got pushed out of the bounds by Todoroki. Todoroki won the match. Shinsou got carried by the medics to Recovery Girl.

Since Cementoss had to rebuild the destroyed field, Izuku and Kaminari have time to visit Shinsou.

Izuku and Kaminari walk into the room to see a shirtless Shinsou being bandaged by Recovery Girl on his injured body. Izuku hides well his red face but Kaminari fails.

"Like what you see? " Shinsou smirk, asking Kaminari, who is still gawking at his body.

Kaminari blushed, stuttering his words. "W-what?! N-no! "

"You're stuttering. " Izuku pointed out. Kaminari hit him on his shoulder. "Shut up! "

"Who's fight next? " Shinsou asks.

"Denki's, he's fighting Tokoyami. " Izuku said. "Well, I know his weakness is light. You could just zap some lightning to scare dark shadow. "

"That could work..." Kaminari muttered.


Kaminari's fight with Tokoyami only using 15 minutes, he keeps using low electricity to scare dark Shadow away from attacking him and pushing him out of the bound.

Bakugo's fight with Kirishima was really quick. Bakugo just uses his explosion to explode the red head out of the bound. Then Midnight announced that the 4 of the students will rest 10 minutes before the fight.

The fight :
Ashido vs Todoroki
Kaminari vs Bakugo

Todoroki just uses his ice to freeze Ashido, making her unable to move until she agreed to forfeit.

Kaminari's fight with Bakugo was a little...interesting.

"Oi! Dunce face! Come and fight me! I'm gonna win the number one spot! " Bakugo yelled. Kaminari smirk and zap some lighting on his palm. "You gotta regret what you called me. "

"Ha! Dunce face will always be a dunce face! "

"Okay, boom boom boy. "

Bakugo makes the first move. He uses his explosion to fly to Kaminari and tried to explode him. Bakugo thought Kaminari got burned by his explosion but he didn't.

Kaminari quickly moves out of the explosion and use his electrification on Bakugo. Bakugo got shot with shock electricity from Kaminari.

-A little time skip cuz I can't write fighting scene-

Bakugo's body was now covered with electricity. Midnight look at him with concern.

"Bakugo! Are you sure you can still fight? " Midnight asks.

Bakugo didn't reply to her question, just simply smirk and use his Quirk to make him fly up.

Kaminari looks at bakugo in the sky. "Are you gonna just fly up there and not fight me? "

This makes Bakugo rage. He put himself down and sent an explosion on Kaminari's face.

"Aw come on! I still need my face to win hot chicks. " Kaminari pouted.

"You mean the chicks are eyebags and Izu? " Bakugo smirks.

Kaminari blushed a little, "shut up! " then proceeds to send electricity to Bakugo. "Payback for attacking me with your Quirk on my face! "


Suddenly, he blackout.

"Denki Kaminari won this round! "Midnight announced.

Kaminari then helps Bakugo and take him to the infirmary for his injuries. He sighs and though, 'they probably heard Bakugo said just now, how the hell I'm gonna confess to them? '

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