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Remember when I said Aizawa will be Izuku's temporary guardian until Izuku make his choice to choose his guardian? Yea, comment who will be Izuku guardian, Aizawa or Nezu. And no, All Might is a shitty father figure for Izuku.
I've been reading Dadzu fanfics
= ̄ω ̄=

Izuku did not like this.

He had worn the UA uniform, but due to his wings were big, he only wears the white uniform and make two holes for his wings. The uniform jacket tied on his waist.

Aizawa had told him to wear properly, but the green-haired boy did not listen. What's the point of giving him the uniform without holes for his wings?!

"Izu, are you ready for learning? " Kaminari walk out the teacher lounge. Aizawa walks in front of them.

Izuku sigh and shake his head. "To be honest, no. You know we already learn these. "He flipped a few pages of the textbooks.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock. "

"Alright, stand here until I called you in. Kaminari, get in the class first. " Aizawa said.

"I wonder if they will be shocking, except for Shinsou and Bakugo of course. " Kaminari whispered to Izuku. Izuku just shrugged.

Kaminari walks into the class, Aizawa walks behind him. Shinsou looks at his adoptive dad, wondering what's happening.

"Yo Kami! You're late! " Mina yelled. Jirou scoff, "at least this idiot wasn't late than sensei. "

"Alright class, we're going to change seats. Mineta, Kaminari, you two change seats. Iida, Uraraka, you two change seat. Shoji, Yaoyorozu, you two change seats. "

The students that being called change their seats immediately. (I want to expel Mineta so badly)

"Sir! Why we have an empty seat? " Iida asks.

"Sit down Iida. I have an announcement. " Aizawa spoke up. "As you can see, there's an empty seat between Kaminari and Shinsou. We have a new student, please don't bombard any sensitive topics," he added.

"A new student? " the students muttered.

'I wonder who is it? ' Shinsou thought.

"Alright, you can come in. "Aizawa said. The door open and revealed Izuku.

Izuku didn't have his voice changer on his face. His freckles were clear to see, the curly green hair of his was messier than before. His mask was replaced by a thin round glasses.

"Finally! "Bakugo yelled. They look at him in confusion.

"Bakugo, you know him? " Kirishima asks. Bakugo replied a 'tch' and turn his head back to the front.

"Kacchan, don't be mean to your classmates. " Izuku said, look at him deadpanned.

"Yeah, after I beat you. " Bakugo smirk.

The class, except for Kaminari and Shinsou, gasped.

" 'Kacchan'?! "

"Aw come on, you know I will beat you no matter what. " Izuku said.

"oh yeah? You wanna fight? " Bakugo activate his explosion from his palms.

Kaminari and Shinsou whispered from his seat. 'Oh no. '

"Bakugo. Stop. Save the fight for your training. " Aizawa said.

Bakugo groaned.

"Introduce yourself to them. " Aizawa instructed.

"Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm 16 and I'm a vigilante. " Izuku brief introduction.

"A vigilante...? " Mina look at Izuku, trying to find something. Her eyes lay on Izuku's wings and gasp.

"DARK?! " Mina shout. Everyone gasp, again.

"Sensei! Please explain! " Iida shouted, doing the robot hand. (Have I ever said I don't like Iida?)

Aizawa groans and pinches his nose bridge. "Quite down. This is Dark, as known as Izuku Midoriya. He has already done his education, he comes here just for the hero course. Don't tell anyone about his identity. "

Izuku glance at him and narrowed his eyes, "Nezu didn't tell me about the hero course thing? "

"He told you will guess by yourself. "

"Damn. "

"Izuku, you will sit on the empty seat. " Aizawa instructed him. Izuku then sits down on his seat. "Do not ask him about sensitive topics. Are you understand? "

"Yes sensei! "

"Alright. I'm going to sleep. Midoriya, if I see you escape I'm gonna tie you up. "

Izuku sigh. He can't escape anymore.

You guys wanna see Denki in a maid outfit?

he's so cute isn't he?!

Have a great day!

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