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"Get on the bus. We're going to train. "

Aizawa just said then walk out of the class.

Izuku was told to go with them, and since All Might can't go because of his quirk, Nezu told him to go.

"Nezu, you want to see us? " Izuku ask, Kaminari was behind his back tagging along. The teachers are wondering why Dark is with a student.

Nezu looks up from his file. "Ah yes. Would you like some tea? "

"Sure. "

"So Dark, today afternoon the class 1-A have to go USJ, the Unforeseen Simulation Japan. I want you to go, and examine the students. " Nezu ordered

"I have a bad feeling about this Nezu. " Izuku said.

"Don't worry Dark. Everything is going to be fine. " Nezu said.

"What about me? " Kaminari asks. "Guess I'll be back with the dumb personality. "

"Kaminari, I want you to stay on Dark's side. If there are any villains, contact me and Dark, Aizawa, and the UA as well. " Nezu said. "Of course, cover with a dumb personality. "

"Yes sir! "
Flashback end

Izuku sitting with the students, analyzing their personality and their quirks.

"Hey Dark, I was wondering if your Quirks are only Transform and Wings? " Asui asks, getting attention from him.

"Hmm? " Izuku look at her.

"Yeah! We only saw you using transform quirk and Wings! Did you have a third Quirk? " Kirishima asks.

"Ah, yes I do have a third quirk. It's called 'eyesight'. I can see with or without opening my eyes. " Izuku explains.

"Ohh, like a dragonfly? " Kaminari asks.

Izuku nodded. "More like that, but better. "

"Woah, your quirks so cool! I wish I have a flashy Quirk like you or Todoroki's or Bakugo's. " Kirishima said. "My Quirk Hardening wasn't really flashy. "

"No Kirishima. Your Quirk is suitable for defensive. It's perfect. "Izuku said, lifting his mood.

"Thanks, Dark. "

"Anytime. "

Kaminari then talks about Bakugo's attitude won't be the number one hero. Bakugo yelled at him and giving him a weird nickname.

"Shut up Dunce face! "

"Alright kids, we're here, get out. " Aizawa said.

The students get out of the class and walk into the USJ. They meet the pro hero 13.

"Woah! This is Universal Studio Japan?! " Kaminari acting in dumb self. Shinsou tag along behind him.

"Not quite, this is Unforeseen Simulation Japan. It is perfect for training your quirks in different places. " 13 said.

"Ohh! It's 13! " Uraraka fangirling. "She's my favorite hero! "

"Where's All Might? " Aizawa asks 13. 13 just hold up three fingers to him. "He'll be late today. "

Aizawa sigh. At least Dark is here.

Izuku wander around the place and caught a glimpse of a dark mist. Kaminari and Shinsou walking at his back and saw someone come out from the mist.

"Kaminari, contact the school. " Izuku order. Kaminari nodded his head.

"Aizawa, be prepare for incoming. " Izuku said, Aizawa turn his direction at him. "Oh shit. "

"Woah! They have fake villains too! How cool! " Kirishima said, looking at the newcomers.

"Stand back! These are real villains! " Aizawa yelled, "13! Protect the kids! "

"Kaminari! Can you contact UA?! " Aizawa asks. Kaminari shack his head. "No! I can't! "

"Iida! You're the one who can help us! " Shinsou yelled.

"No! I can't just run-" "just go! You're the fastest out of us! " Izuku cut him off.

"No one is escaping! " the mist villain yelled. Iida runs out of the USJ before the villain could catch him.

"Alright, I'll take the left you take the right! " Izuku said and flew off. Aizawa groans and continues to fight the villains.

The mist villain brought the students to different places, and somehow Shinsou and Izuku got in the same place in the water zone, separating with Kaminari.

They fall to the water, nearly eaten by a sea creature. Luckily Asui uses her tongue to get them out of the water.

"Ah, shit. " Izuku curse. His voice charger has soaked and broken, the voice becomes a high pitch voice. He still has his mask on his eyes, this won't reveal him, right?

"Dark, are you alright? " Asui asks. Shinsou and Mineta look at Izuku in concern.

"I'm... Alright. Dang it, it's broken. " Izuku said and sigh. The three students were shocked by his voice.

"You use a voice changer? Ribbit. " Asui asks. Izuku nodded his head.

"I…don't want to be revealed, especially in this kind of situation. " Izuku said, tune the voice back to the original voice. "But I have no choice. "

"What are we going to do?! " Mineta panic. "I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want-"

"Shut up Mineta. " Shinsou said, wrapping the captured weapon on Mineta's mouth. "Nobody is going to die. "

"Thank you Shinsou. " Izuku said, Shinsou nodded his head.

"How are we supposed to save others? " Asui asks.

Izuku then proceeds to tell the students his plan.

"I'll transform into a dragon, you guys can hop on my back and I'll fly to Yaoyorozu's direction. " Izuku said, pointing in the direction. "Then Asui helps Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Kaminari, the rest keep the villains distract. I need her to make another voice changer for me. "

"Sounds dangerous, I'm in. " Shinsou is the first one to agree on Izuku's plan.

"Ribbit. Will that plan work? " Asui asks. Izuku nodded. "Yes, but no guarantee. "

"We'll be dead! " Mineta yelled. Izuku ignores him.

"What happened in USJ, stays in USJ. "

First of,

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I just notice three days ago it was 1k views. (⊙o⊙)

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