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Aizawa watching Dark dealing with the drug dealers with a blink of an eye. He looks at him with amusing, those defense combat he didn't know before, it wasn't Gunhead's moves too. 'Maybe he made those moves himself. ' he thought.

"Aizawa, once you help Dark dealing with the drug dealers, try to talk to him. Maybe he'll open up for you first. " Nezu said.

"I doubt that he'll open up for Hitoshi first since Dark helped him. " Aizawa said bluntly.

"Yes, but that's not all. Try asking him some common things. " Nezu said.

"Like 20 questions? "

"Yes, something like that. "
Flashback end

After 10 minutes, the police came and take the drug dealers away, cursing with swear words. Tsukauchi looks at Dark with amusement.

"I didn't know you could handle it well, many pros couldn't handle it. " Tsukauchi said, writing the report on his paper. "Even Endeavour, he just likes to light some fire around him. "

"…it's no big deal. I just helped. " Dark said.

"Dark. " Aizawa call him. Dark look at him with confusion.

Aizawa's inner self is panicking, he doesn't know how to make a conversation with him.

"Do you want to meet Hitoshi? " 'great move Shota, he'll think I'm a creep. ' he tried not to panic.

Dark shifted suddenly, "Hitoshi? " he raises an eyebrow. Aizawa nodded. Dark shrugged, "sure. I don't mind. " if it's Shinsou, he wouldn't mind because he has a connection with him, in the future.

"Alright, I'll call him. I think he's awake right now. That insomniac won't be asleep until 12. " Aizawa said, pulling out his phone to call his adopted son.

"Tu…tu…t-Hello? " Shinsou's voice rang through Aizawa's ear. "Do you need anything from papa? "

"No. Just telling you we have a guest tonight. " Aizawa replied.

"Guest? Like Midnight or Power Loader? " he asked.

"Neither, a special guest. You better behave. " Aizawa snickers.

"When do I have not to behave? " Shinsou laugh.

Aizawa hung up the call then look up at Dark, he's looking at him with confusion.

"Is Shinsou getting better with his Quirk? " Dark asked.

"I trained him with a support item. He is going to the UA exam entrance after a few days. " Aizawa said.

"Mind if I train him? " Dark offer. Aizawa didn't know how to answer this. Sure, he can make friends, but start from a 15 years old boy to befriend it could be something else. 'Same age, maybe? ' he thought.

"Uhh, sure. I'll check his schedule. " Aizawa responds. Dark nodded his head as thank you.

Two of them swinging and flying building to building at 11 at night. They arrived at Eraserhead's house. Aizawa opens his door and lets Dark walk in. Shinsou already waiting in his room, doesn't know which guest will come.

"Here, sit there. Walk around. Whatever you want. Just don't enter any rooms. " Aizawa tell Dark. He may be a Vigilante but Aizawa looks at him as a friend. Dark nodded his head silently, not wanting to make any sounds this late of night.

Aizawa walks into his room to get Hizashi, his husband. "Zashi, get up. He's here. "

"Who's here? " Hizashi open one of his eyes. "Don't tell me you got another stray cat home. "

"No, a human being. "

"what? Did you kidnap a child? "

Aizawa pulls Hizashi to the living room to let him see who's there. A small gasp can hear from Hizashi, along with a loud yell.

"HIIII THere listenerrrr!! " luckily Aizawa quickly erases his quirk before getting the vigilante's ears bleed.

Dark turn around to see the figure properly. Mic's hair was pulled down to his waist. 'He got long hair there. ' Dark though.

"Nice to see you Mic. " Dark bowed. Hizashi quickly walks to him and put a hand on Dark's shoulder.

"Hey there, no need to be formal! Call me Hizashi when we're at home! " Hizashi said. Dark nodded silently as acknowledge.

"Dad? Papa? What's with the noise? "

Aizawa and Hizashi turn their head to their son. Shinsou is peeking out from the living room to see what happened. Before he asks again, he notices an unfamiliar figure in the living room. It wasn't a hero nor a villain.

"Hello, Shinsou. How's life? "

|Shine bright in the darkness|Izuku!Vigilante(SHINKAMIDEKU)Where stories live. Discover now