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Last fight:
Kaminari vs Todoroki

Kaminari and Todoroki stood at each edge of the bound, slowly walking to the center. Kaminari had been saved his Quirk usage for the last round of battle against Todoroki.

"Are you going to give it your all? " Kaminari asked.

"Maybe. " Todoroki short replied.

Midnight then started the fight. Todoroki made the first move by activating his ice Quirk, trying to freeze Kaminari. Keyword: tried. Kaminari jumps out from his ice and avoids being freeze.

Kaminari shot back 1 million volts at him and shooting electricity around Todoroki's surrounding afterward. Todoroki quickly back off, turning his direction and run to the other side of the arena.

Izuku sat in the announcement with Aizawa and Present Mic watching them fight. Present Mic announcing about Kaminari and Todoroki's fight with ease.

(I'm bad at writing about fighting so work with me-)

Todoroki shot a few fires at Kaminari. Kaminari back off immediately with his flexible body and shot back 2 million volts at him.

The class 1-A students sat at the audience seat, save Shinsou, are wondering when does Kaminari go so strong and powerful. They thought Kaminari will fry his brain after fighting for a short period.

"Hey Shinsou, " Kirishima called. Shinsou turns his head to him. "Yeah? "

"Do you know that Kaminari is always strong? " He asked. Shinsou looks back at the arena, finding that human Pikachu.

"I don't know, " he shrugged, lied about what he doesn't know.

Kaminari had always been that strong, thanks to Izuku, who trained Kaminari before he started UA.



Yako stood in the corridor, watching Kaminari won against Endeavour's youngest kid. She is glad that his training had paid off. Yako owes Izuku a lot.

She slowly walked away from the corridor without anyone notice and walked up to the announcing room to meet Izuku, or Dark, and 2 pro heroes.

She knocked on the door and opened it. Izuku is the first one to turn his head back to the door.

"Oh, hey Yako! " Izuku had turn off his mic and hugged her. Aizawa looks at them with no expression while Present Mic looks at them with a confused look.

"She is Yako, you probably met her while I was in the hospital. " Izuku introduces her to Present Mic, who is still confused.

"You're the one who gives Sho coffee everyday, right? " Mic asked. Yako nodded her head.

"You're not bribing him, right? " Mic asked her. Aizawa groaned and shot his capture weapon at his husband to shut up.

"I had a wife, Mic. " Yako said, deadpanned.

Izuku laughed at Mic, who is still embarrassed by asking that kind of question.

"It's okay, not many people know I have a wife. " Yako said.

"Why are you here? " Aizawa asked, getting in point.

"Can't I visit my nephew? " Yako laughed. "Also, I had brought coffee to my favorite customers. " she pulled out 3 cups of coffee to Izuku and a cup to Aizawa.

"Why are you drinking so much coffee? " Aizawa asked, pointing at the coffee that Izuku is holding.

"For Denki and Shinsou, duh. " Izuku said.

"Oh, Denki's coffee is the one that has a lighting on top of the cup, his coffee is the special one. " Yako mentioned. "The other 2 are the same, since you and Shinsou like the same flavor. "

"Thanks, Yako, you're the best. " Izuku thanked her. "I'm going to meet them right now! " and walked out of the announcing room.

"Problem child... " Aizawa groaned.

I had started new fanfic, again- but I still writing this. I probably gonna write a Voltron AU with Shinkami ship. Probably- cuz I already have an idea on that AU.

Have a great day!

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