Chapter 28 ~ Red herring

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Time slowly passed within the infirmary, it was only me, the girl with the stomach cramp and the nurse, she had came in minutes beforehand telling me that my mom is on her way. Checking the time on my watch I notice it already past noon, hopefully Suna was able to relay the information back to Chisaki then again what if he didn't.

I can't let this go down in flames, I need to be out there. It was a possibility I calculated that Kyotatsu would move against me but so soon and even aiming to injure or worse it's just like what Yoshino said before. They target your weakness and for me it was my club, they must know it's now or never.


The white curtains to my sectioned off bed flow as suddenly a slow moving lunging human with hands out ready to grab jump out. Stunned I react quicker than before rolling off onto the floor as the wind leaves my lungs and the back of my head stings. 

Shit that hurt.

"Huh?" The girl with the fucking stomach cramp exhales patting the wrinkled disposable sheets, getting to my knees fisting my hand and decking her on the side of her jaw hearing as the life escapes her soul.

I should've known she was a spy. Most girls in this godforsaken school are.

Soon a light ring tone comes from her, shifting over her limp body groaning still from the impact of my iron fist, I take the silver flip phone.

Queen B

Meet back at the club when you're done

Huh, Kyotatsu is either a fool or a genius for sending a minor weak second grade girl to take care of me even when I'm injured. She's probably expecting me to show up.


The door to the infirmary opens up to the nurse, she quickly scans the room seeing that my curtains are slightly open, quickly looking over the still unconscious girl slowly moving the sheet covering her limp body.

"Sorry sensei but I've got to go." Bowing quickly and leaving giving no time for her to react I make my way down to my next move-

"Ooof." Stumbling before two pairs of hands grab onto my arm one of which accidently holds onto the wrist where I cut myself, hissing I remove my hand from their grip.

Fuck off.

"Y/n-chan?!!! What happened to you?" The whiny voice of none other than Atsumu Miya and his twin stand before me. Am I cursed or is this day keep getting worse by the second?

Putting my palm up they both stop like good little loyal mutts.

"Stop. I have to do something- hang on, you can help actually." Clapping my hands mid-sentence I expect my expression gives of chills as both of them are standing straighter than a ruler.

Breathing in and out I open the door.

As if she wasn't favoured enough the curtains flow aesthetically like a main character would out of a dumb shoujo romcom novel, there stands the one girl making my whole day hard.

"I knew you would come."

Sighing I side step the door walking close towards the wall, on the other side of the room Kyotatsu stands by the window overlooking the field, last time I checked the relay race had begun.

"Well done you're a psychic." Nonchalantly placing my hands into my shorts pockets leaning close to the filing cabinet.

"I warned you not to go near him, and now look at you. Defeated, wounded and you come back for what?" She inquires fully turning to me with her arms crossed.

"It was a good idea to utilize the Miya twins." She adds on slowly walking over to the desk that previously the second years were sitting at that day.

"What can I say I'm a genius." Putting my hands up in the gesture of 'what can I do' watching closely as Kyotatsu frowns.

"No, you're just a strategist. You like playing the long game." Shaking her head continuing to frown at me, I can't help but chuckle to her statement.

"That's why we don't work. You like things done now, over quickly that you don't have to stress over it. I guess I've been a real pain to you, a thorne to your side." The air becomes thicker as light footsteps trail down from the hallway. I doubt she even knows what's happening.

"Let's cut down to the chase shall we. Why are you doing this and don't give me that bullshit excuse you give everyone else?" Finally the tables turn, her face remains the same however her feet begin to tap and the small quivers of her arm suggest it's the end now.

"Power, it's simple as that. When I first joined there were idols on the team back then I watched as the upperclassmen bullied us using their superiority complex against us, back then I hated them but now I understand them." She pauses before continuing. "It's true I like Kita even before high school and I knew he would never look at me like that so I did what any woman would do I killed the competition, I figured it was about time he looked at me then you came along." Raising a brow, it would've been too soon.

"I doubt you remember it but last year when that Senpai of yours was here she would talk and talk about you. I saw it in his eyes how they glimmered with a spark and then he saw you, you were only picking up trash in the courtyard during break. He wanted to help but then the bell rang and you were gone." Seeing as this brings such an emotion out of the girl I can definitely say this is for real but for me I had never even spoken to Kita back then and Yuki-senpai was friends with him when?

I got to ask her next time I see her.

"I hated you, and I still do."

There the door opens revealing not only the Principle, but Miss Mills and a...police officer.

"Damn you are a sly one." She chuckles looking down onto her feet before picking herself back up and walking closer towards me, I see as she side eyes the teachers before whispering into my ear.

"Don't let this think it's over for you, my objective was to bring you down. Don't let the facade blur what's real and what's not." And with that they take her away.

Finally taking a deep breath in I walk over towards the window seeing as the events have settled onto a silly race, there besides me a figure leans in handing me his phone.

"Did you get it?"

"If I can take mug shots of them then I think I can take a simple little video behind a door." His fox like eyes look down to mine, chuckling I continue to watch the race.


No joke I seriously thought a red herring was a bird

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