Chapter 45 ~ What?

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I am the one to blame for this situation, it takes a lot for someone to admit that they were wrong to get involved but now I have this even though I thought it was over. Then why the fuck is Atsumu at my doorstep pleading for help, sighing I try to overlook this situation as only something God will know.

That's right big man with a white beard take it from here, this suffering I may now go through listening to Atsumu's blabbering.

"Look, if this is a you problem then it is a you problem, if it is a life problem then it is still your problem but if and only if you are requesting my help other than being your fucking temporary manager then fuck off." I say whilst throwing another volleyball at him with every step he makes to pursue me still.

Being here all alone with him is already giving me the creeps now he's taking out his phone from his shorts like where is the Tardis next?

"Please, Y/n. You're the only person I thought of. You said the stalker was gone so technically it is a you problem." He says again scratching his neck, oh he did not just go there.

"Do I look like a mother fucking detective to you. Do I? No there are things out there called police ring them up sometime and they'll sort it out, what I did for you was a one-time thing." Taking the biro pen and clicking it to check off my list to do next.

Still a peering over giant remains.

Gosh now he's sad, fucking hell.

"Urgh, what's wrong?" Still a little pouty Atsumu walks over handing me his phone.

It's unlocked and already on an unknown number which by the looks of it has been sending him messages the day that summer started to very recently but what popped out the most was how many one sided if not creepy messages and explicit unsolicited photos that were there.

Furrowing my brows, I think, it's not that bad a high school boy of this age to get messages like this but still this many and for this long why hasn't he blocked the weirdo's number yet or told someone. No even if he did tell someone like his brother or his mother, they would only put it down to something like youth but this, this is serious.

"Atsumu you should tell the police about this, even if it is consented this, this is too much plus you're not even an adult. How would you expect me to go about this when I too am only still a child?" Giving his phone back I return back to my duties only for a hand to grab my wrist harshly, the tears of a man are something sacred but something that shows strength and now before me stands a vulnerable man not the piece of shit that I grew to hate.

But just Atsumu.

"Please. Help me."


I've been waiting for this

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