Chapter 36 ~ Osamu

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Summer is coming to a close with every day striking up a new plot in reverence which also relinquishes me in unforeseen last minute doubt, words spoken from that cunning little snake still haunt my dreams.

It was like a foreshadowing in a great plot twist in any great novel where the old crone or so called prophet would riddle the protagonist of fate and fancy bordening of true reality. Quite the drivel but still quite laughable when I remember the words Yosano spoke to me.

'Don't follow the red herrings, look closer at the puppeteers.'

And then what Kyotatsu had the gall to say to me.

'Don't be fooled by the red herring.'

Honestly my head hurts trying to see what the both of them were trying to convey to me, I'm not a bloody mind reader like some would tend to believe. And after Suna had wrongfully snatched my only chance in making my voice true and real the words spoken that night now blur in the fancies of my mind, in reach but yet so far out of grasp.

Coming to the conclusion that both of them were just grabbing at straws to the very end I forget the whole fiasco ever happened, it's better this way.

I told myself that.

But knowing my pretty little mind nothing stays locked up forever, forgotten to the gutters and soiled buds. Those were the days, now sobered up from them like a sponge to water parched in the hot desert sun, just a whiff of the burning fermented plant gets me high as kites children play with.

No wonder I can't exactly remember what happened after me and Suna went upstairs but I know for one thing we didn't fuck. My back would've gone out if he did, big guys tend to be slightly sloppy and rough in bed.

Wittering on inside my mind I didn't notice the smudge against the road or his silver hair, I did however notice the same strong jawline and same dopey eyes.

Mistaking him for his brother.

"Ack." Osamu unflinching stares up removing his red earphones from his head faint rap music descends into the peaceful afternoon.

Have I really wandered so far into Miya territory lost in thought about the developments still at large, it would seem so. Rather than going on with my day though I take the seat next to him quite happily squating on the pavement, it's not like there's any old fogies to tell us otherwise.

He seemed quite content with the expressionless features scarring his face unlike his brother Osamu is the quiet one more reserved yet still open enough to socialize like any normal human. Some call him silent almost mute at times I call him sly and cunning just as annoying as his brother.

His reactions may be different from him but twins think alike especially those so close to one another despite what people think deep down inside they care for each other.

"You got any food?" Very deep down. Scowling at him I shimmy out a pouchful of onigiris that I had just bought from the mart.

"Here," The savage beast rips the plastic open, in seconds the rice ball is gone. Pig, sneering at him. "How's your brother doing?" He shoots me a glance.

Not that I actually care for him, I like to know things. There's a difference.

"He's good." Good lord can I get more than two word answers, but if I pry anymore he might get the wrong impression.

Bringing my knees to my chest, sighing and looking out as the rest of the world rushes on by with no care in the world, so this is the life of Osamu leads, heh? Quite charming as it is people watching and keeping to oneself is a far cry from who I am now, in the past, yes, I took part in this game but now echoes of two snakes rake through my mind. 

What is calm when past demons still scream.

Well this has been swell but I must-

"Do you think it's over?" His deep lethargic voice rings out, gone are the crumbs or signs that he had just eaten, the pig works fast.

Damn him for bringing me back to square one, I shouldn't hesitate on the answer or linger for too long.

"As far as I know it is, but if he runs into to trouble again he should get a teacher involved." Standing up to take my leave not even bothering to wave goodbye, many thoughts begin to crowd inside my mind once again.


Just realized poor Osamu hasn't been having any interaction


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