Chapter 9 ~ Acting coy

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The girls of the MiyaFandom club twitches at my mere presence let alone me finding their location and acting all coy around them for starters. They ain't stupid they know I'm here to sus them out, seeing any potential threats to my new found relationship.

If only they knew the truth.

Girl's from all over the year groups part ways letting me enter, some of these girls don't even smell threatening but in a collective like this one all they need is numbers. I walk past hordes of them on either side as if this was a zombie apocalypse game and it's only one that can survive. Heading towards the table at the head of the club room, where four maybe five girls linger in their seats. One, I know. Koharu Michimiya, she's a second year like me and also is in the same class as me since middle school. She's sat down closets to the table filling out sheets while her homies over there are on their phones giggling and filing their precious little nails.

Then there's Kyotatsu Okitawa, a third year, she unlike the rest is off to the side nearest the window, I wonder why she's here, I never took her one for a die hard fan for the miya twins. I always took her for the 'leave me alone type', well who am I to judge when I'm here as a spy. Walking closer to the girl garnering their attention, Koharu flinches when I slam my hand down onto the table, I watch her as she inches back. 

Oh so she does remember.

Twitching to the sudden but brief movements of the girls that were previously giggling now glare at me with their predatory gaze, not breaking my gaze with them my face breaks into a smile.

"Heya girlies, I just thought that I should say hi. And I was wondering if I could join, y'know being his GIRLFRIEND and all." Silence like the lambs when a wolf in sheep's clothing appears, Kyotatsu looks up, deadpanning at the situation unfolding.

"No one wants you here, we all know what you are." One of the girls from behind slaps her hand onto my shoulder, smirking I instantly flip her onto her back the whole room stiffens.

"Y/n!" Koharu shouts, fists clenching on the desks.

"Girls you do know who I am, right?" Doing a full 360 around the room most of the first and second years shiver looking away from my monstrous gaze.

"I'm Rabid and I'm always ready to bite when a pest gets too close to my bones." My voice comes out sharp and hoarse as I scowl at the trembling girls.

"But I won't bite if we all get along that is?" I side eye Koharu she looks away into the midst of the crowd, my eyes follow hers to a hooded figure, bingo.

"Let's make a deal, I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me." I say while clasping my hands together into a knot looking directly into the hooded figure, she doesn't flinch rather she holds her gaze before turning away back into the crowd.

"Huh, no deal?" Pulling the trembling girl off from the floor yanking at her black locks, she screams flailing about.

"Stop, stop, it's a deal. We won't come after you anymore."   I doubt she even realized her own words when it escaped her lips. She just said 'anymore', so it was the fandom, and by the looks of things run mainly by second years with the third years hiding in the background.

Turning to Kyotatsu who still watches me, pulls out her cell phone flashing a light at me, she intended for me to see that. Third years, huh.


Thank you for reading so far, I know i have yet to get into the actual story that you all clicked on here for but it is coming I promise.

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