Chapter 24 ~ Preparations

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Every year right before summer break and volleyball nationals is the long awaited sports festival where every grade and class compete against one another to see who is the best out of them all of course no one can forget the added team spirited grinded into our minds.

Well before all that happens is the dreaded preparations that halts all club activities for the next week not something Inarizaki volleyball club can afford yet they still partake in the event nonetheless. 

"Ryuk-san we've ran out of red paint can you go and get some more?" One student asks the tall white haired male, he looks up and over towards my direction, raising a brow before turning around. 

What the fuck was that?

Ahead of me are the planned out timetables for each student in class, all sports activity has been signed up and everyone doing relay and mixed has already been chosen.

"Atsumu-kun what sports are you doing?" A small fluffy haired girl crouches next to the blond who happens to be having a bad day, he just looks over at her scowling.

"Huh?" The girl squeaks falling backwards into the wet banner of red paint.

"Argh, Sakurai-chan." Some of the others complain about the situation causing the small girl to whimper from all the fuss.

"Oi, will ya shut the fuck up. I'm trying to paint here." Chisaki groans kicking one of the pushed over chairs out of his way, taking to my feet dusting off my sports uniform.

"I'll go see if there's more banner sheeting." With that being said I walk out of the busy classroom and into more mayhem.

All the rooms are being taken up for one shitty day of sports, I'm so glad I bagsied a spot with the cleaning up crew and furthermore only have to do one event. I'm sure everyone else has their hands full, walking past class 2-1 to get to the storage room I glimpse in to see the grey haired twin and the sluggish curtain head happily painting the blue flags.

Such dorks.

Finally towards the storage room I hear loud thuds and russling inside, slowly sliding the door open I see a large drenched red monster peer over the top of me, a large hand quickly grabs me pulling me close and shutting the door.


Looking up to those emerald eyes annoying as they are strangely captivating in another, a sly smirk plays with itself onto his lips as his strong arm snakes around my waist coating me further in red.

"I finally have you to myself." He whispers close too close for my liking.

"And you're about to die." Wriggling out and kneeing him in the groin he topples in two folding over to protect the precious crown jewels further.

"Fucking bitc-"

"I told you, you would die if you touched me. I get it, you're doing this because Kyotatsu told you to but man up and grow some fucking balls for you to let a prissy little slut tell you what to do. I don't give a flying fuck if she has dirt on you, go back to your cage and lick her tits for all I care, you're done and out of my club." Raising  my voice as I turn around to pull out the white sheet of banner material to feel a presence behind me.

"You think I'm doing this because some chick told me to." Sighing as I see more people walk past the small window within the door.

"If you're about to confess your undying love for me don't, it's a no from me." With that I slide open the door trying to keep the fabric clean from my printed red clothes now.


Ahhhhhh omg What could that mean??

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