Chapter 33 ~ Festival

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"You are not wearing that." Kazuki adds while applying makeup onto my face as if I don't know how to do that myself, rolling my eyes she huff her irritation level skyrocketing.

"And you're not my mom." Swatting her hand away and correcting the squiggly line for a cat eye sensing the amused stare of none other than Yuki-senpai. Both her and my sister going as some lovey dovey couple dressed in their traditional Yukatas.

 Both her and my sister going as some lovey dovey couple dressed in their traditional Yukatas

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(You're wearing this)

"Now now ladies I'm sure we can-"



Me and Kazuki both look at each other before giving each other that knowing smile, I guess we got one thing in common after all.

Yuki-senpai sighs.

"Honestly I don't know why I'm here anymore." Acting like some kid pouting Kazuki rolls her eyes at me before turning around practically snogging the face off Yuki-senpai.

"That's why, come on now we got to go."

"I still can't believe you still wear crocs with socks on, are you an old man?" Yuki-senpai jokes cuddling up with my sister both of whom in their own little world feeding each other candy floss and each holding cuddly toys which I both won for them.


Oh my, oh my indeed. 

Locking eyes with a certain blue haired boy that looks so happy as if he's...on a date especially with a certain pigtail blonde haired girl by his side with such an icy apathetic look on her face.





Smiling I turn around finding another familiar face that I didn't expect to see so soon, there in the gaggle of the crowd stands a laid back messy haired boy and as if it was that moment in a cheesy rom-com when the guy and girl both see each other. Looking at him and he looking at me, watching as he walks over with a loose smile hanging off his frame.

Maybe we can't stay mad at each other forever.



Awkwardly nodding we both enter the world of ✨awkward silence✨.


Kazuki and Yuki both stop talking turning around to see a whole group of hormonal teenage boys, but amongst all of them they recognize one.


"Kazuki and Yuki-senpai?!" Kita for a minute there mistook Kazuki for Y/n after all sisters do look a lot like each other and seeing as most of the boys including Atsumu mistook her for her confirms that.

"Eh, I don't get it Samu?" Atsumu massages his temple looking mentally constipated whilst Suna and Osamu both roll their eyes at his idiocy.

"Baka, that's obviously her sister." Osamu hits his brother on the upside of his head.

"Eh, you boys know Y/n?" Kazuki asks somewhat confused seeing as her sister never mentioned hanging out with a group of boys except for that kid she was helping.

They all look at each other before in unison saying this, "Yes."

"Y/n is she here?" Kita brings up again, since his surprised visit with Y/n the other day he's been working up the courage to start doing things he wants and not with all these restriction he put into place.

The boy may like order but he also has a heart in which is telling him to go after the girl.

"Ah yes, I saw her right over...there." Yuki happily shows the boys into the direction of Y/n and Chisaki having a conversation.

"Ah young love, so sweet and pure." Kazuki nudges Yuki aware of what she's trying to accomplish here. The team all have an internal heart throb seeing you together with him.

"Yer know he's gonna confess to her tonight, I can see it. The way he's looking at her." Yuki adds slyly watching all the boys grimace as she speaks, Kazuki gave up on trying to help the boys continuing to munch on her candy floss watching the massacre of young love.

"Very cute." Kazuki adds fuel to the already burning flame.

~During that moment~

Standing there awkwardly thinking of ways to break the ice when Chisaki finally does so anyway.

"I'm sorry about what I said, I didn't mean it. I know the time you spent was worth something in the end..." Looking up from his shoes seeing that glint in his eyes and I just knew what his next words were.

I haven't properly thought about our relationship like that and seeing now the tipping of the scales we'll never be able to go back to the way we were before but change is good. We all grow up eventually and Chisaki needs to grow out of this love for me, something I can't give him not in the sense he wants it anyway.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm not going to say those words. Just wait a few years you'll come to like me, I am god's gift after all." He smirks cupping his face, bursting out into a fit of laughter I end up punching his arm.

Ah, there was no need to worry after all.

Or so I thought.

"What are those?" A rather irritating voice pops out of nowhere whining to anyone someone to take me from this place as I swivel around seeing two identical faces.


"Bitch can't you see, they're fucking fabulous crocs." Lifting up my leg and stroking my baby blue precious sharks with the correct amount of kiddy charms I could place.

The two Miya brothers gawk at the very sight of my feet not only am I wearing crocs but with black skull socks as well, kill me now fashion police.

"Huh, and your face." They gasp well more like Atsumu being the drama queen he always is places his hand atop his mouth, Osamu looks more like a skater dude than Suna with a vape does.

"Is there a problem?" Raising a brow at the two of them who both quickly shake their heads.

"We were just thinking if you wanted to go to Sasha's party, it's actually on now but doesn't end till late." Osamu adds wracking my brain on this Sasha character, I think we had chem class last semester together. 

Wait don't tell me she's that food nutcase in cooking economics last year?!!

Shrugging I look over towards Chisaki who by the way is scowling at the two newcomers, is there some beef between them or something. This testosterone be laying down thick.


They both turn back around giving the thumbs up to the team, there I see Kazuki and Yuki slyly smirking at me.

For fucksake what did they tell them now.


Oh my did I just write a long chapter for this huh and there is a part scene next, I must be spoiling you

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