Chapter 27 ~ Competition

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Stumbling to the now disheveled clubroom, papers everywhere, draws drawn out and table flipped you would think all was lost.


I thought ahead, thinking of all Kyotatsu next moves I knew she might come here and destroy all evidence as a last ditch effort to save her club so that's the reason why I installed something like this.

A fire safety box which may look like a normal red box but will always go unchecked especially when hidden in the right corner where there's just a little too much crap to begin with. Stepping over the piles as my vision starts to tinge red slipping my keys from my secret pocket and turning the lock there inside lies a zip lock pocket plastic folder containing the investigation file.

"Fuck me daddy."

Making my way towards the infirmary was well a struggle and a half but the person that I meet could save me from all this. There by the door stands a 6'1 black curtains of a man with a tendency to slouch, he must have sensed me because he turns around eyes nearly bulging out of his sockets.

"NURSE!" He shouts gaining the attention of the nurse who at the time is fixing a stomach cramp for another, she looks over gasping immediately grabbing the med-kit, the girl with the cramp closes the curtains for her bed leaving me with Suna and the nurse.

"Y/n how did this happen?" Suna asks as if it isn't self explanatory already, thankfully the nurse leaves probably fetching more supplies my hand is pretty busted up and not going to lie my fucking head hurts.

"Suna, I need you to do something for me and it's 1000% important that you do this now." I whisper getting up into a sitting position, he nods moving forwards.

"I need you to take this and give it to the principle, explicitly say it is from me and make sure he reads it," Lifting my shirt up revealing the one and only red ziplock pocket plastic folder containing the very documents to put an end to all this. Suna's cheeks dust over with pink, I can't be fucked to be dealing with his emotions right now. "Make sure you don't show it to anyone and if any girls try to stop you push past them, this is very important." I reiterate trying and hoping he understands how dire this is, he may look unsympathetic but I imagine that he's taking this all in.

"I will, make sure you get some rest." He says.


"Shit!" I freak, the race.

Suna stops confused to why my watched beeped.

"Suna I'm gonna need you to do another thing, tell Chisaki to move forwards with plan B, he'll  know what you're talking about." Nodding again the nurse returns back with fucking bandages.

"I've called your parents, they will be here soon. I'm going to need you to be a good girl and take these." She hands me some paracetamol like that's going to help with my bleeding head but whatever.

I watch as Suna leaves, it's all up to him now.






"Suna!" Turning around the boy looks to find the Miya twins running up to him panting both of which have notes in their hands, then he remembers the scavenger hunt.

"Where were yer?" Osamu pants folding up onto himself, before he pinpoints the reason in his hands.

"What's that?" He nods to the red plastic in his hands, Suna ignores them.

"Do'yer know where Muguru Chisaki is?" Atsumu and Osamu's eyebrows rise, both a little suspicious to why Suna wants to speak to him.

"No why?" Suna scoffs looking at the package before frowning, he knows he has something important to do but he also knows that this is most likely related to the stalker situation.

"Atsumu, if you see him make sure you tell him to move onto plan B." Suna gives him a hard stare already feeling vulnerable from being standing out in the open for far too long.

"Why should I?" He whines.

"Because Y/n told me to, she's in the infirmary thanks to yer fangirls and this is important to her." He jiggles his hand with the folder in, Atsumu freezes upon hearing that instantly growing far more mad than he ever has been before.

"Fuck this hunt, Samu let's find'em."

Suna eventually makes it to the teachers tent, some of whom look at him watching as he continues to make his way over to a rather business looking man compared to the overwhelming heat and the occasion reside in his grey suit with only a stripe of colour on his face.

"Excuse me, Kamikawa-Sama. But you need to read this it's from L/n Y/n." Suna bows the respectful full bow with his arms out and head down.

The teachers all mutter wondering the same thing, just what is the principle going to do?

"L/n-san sent you here? Why isn't she here?" Suna looks up still holding out the package, he blinks wondering if it's even worth it.

"Because she is currently in the infirmary being treated to wounds inflicted by the very same people in this club, sir." Gritting his teeth Suna only waits for him to take it, after a moment the man takes the red folder before immediately unclipping it.

His eyes widen by each page flip, Suna only grabs mouthfuls of the page. The detailed pages can be compared to that of an essay, the amount of effort is not half hearted in the least, soon he gets to the end and turns back to the boy.

"What's your name?"

"Suna Rintarou."

"What do you think should happen to this club?" Fisting his hands without hesitation he adds.

"Disbanded and the perpetrators dealt with accordingly, sir." The man nods, handing the document over to his secretary.

"You can tell L/n-san that her work hasn't been in vain, they will be caught by the end of today." Nodding Suna wastes no time in running back to the infirmary.


Oh and it gets intense 🤭

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